Example sentences of "[verb] and at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here 's not a day when folk forget and at the Baiting House pub just north of Bromyard , there 's not a pint pulled without passers by talking of Nicolaus Silver with his jockey ; now the Landlord .
2 Sam obeyed and at the same time felt Rose grasp the tail of his own .
3 You are just lying there with these people washing , dressing and at the same time inflicting pain on you .
4 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
5 She is God 's creative energy as well as His power to destroy and at the same time she is His saving grace .
6 An increase in exports would be particularly beneficial in that the balance of payments would improve and at the same time national income will rise by an amount greater than the initial increase in exports .
7 In other cases there is land to spare and at the same time extreme population pressure plus unequal landholdings , such as in Brazil , where there is a constant stream of immigrants to the marginal lands of the North-East and to Amazonia .
8 The common-room was large and comfortably furnished and at the far end included pool tables , dartboards and table tennis .
9 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
10 Despite a rising demand for operations , the latest analysis of the waiting list shows that more people are being treated and at a faster rate than ever before .
11 On replay with a correcting network , the signal is normalised and at the same time , the signal to noise ratio is improved .
12 Whilst acknowledging that today 's six-year-olds are tomorrow 's workforce , what they require of their teachers is the opportunity to begin to learn how to think critically , to question , and to challenge and at the same time acquire the learning skills appropriate to particular academic disciplines .
13 He found the spot where the three reeds were growing and at a single blow cut down all three with his sword .
14 As the town began to grow and at the same time fragment in strange , squalid and unforeseen ways , the gardens became symbolic in a different fashion .
15 where women examine themselves erm , if its the mother or the granny er did I bring him up wrongly , erm the girl friends or wife 's er is it something that I did n't understand and at the same time it er really changes their lives
16 A subtle psychological barrier was crossed and at the next two evening sales , as Swiss dealer Jan Krugier says , ‘ The revival of the Impressionist market was astonishing ’ .
17 At the A.G.M. , the committee meeting that followed and at the Annual Dinner that evening , contributions for Judith 's leaving present were asked for and it very quickly became apparent how highly Judith had been regarded .
18 In Madrid Casado triumphed and at the last moment Communist power was broken .
19 The centre-piece was a perspiring bloke who was plainly at the end of his tether and at the other end of the tatty tether was a huge hairy bundle who 'd decided he was now one of the family and acting in a suitably demented manner ; noise effects included whoops , cheers , shrieks , curses , admonitions and deep explosive barks which provided punctuation in the manner of the cannon fire in the 1812 Overture .
20 One was soon found and at a special meeting of the Governors on 26th February Mr. C. G. Higginson , a graduate of the University of London , was appointed at a salary of £5 a week , to be paid by Hamilton .
21 Also , the electric media ( by their nature , regardless of their commercial organization ) unify and at the same time decentralize the musical repertory and community , and make possible improvisatory musical styles .
22 Emily felt a flash of irritation , she had insisted that the shoemaker 's daughter take the boots away to be soled and heeled and at the same time she 'd had a fitting for some new slippers .
23 It appears that William on his deathbed confessed that he had indulged in a fraud in getting his marriage to Adelizia nullified and at the eleventh hour did all that he could for Mabel 's succession as his heir .
24 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
25 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
26 Provided Mr X was not domiciled in the United Kingdom when the settlement was created and at the relevant time , eg the death of the son , the assets were not located in the United Kingdom , inheritance tax would not be in point even if the son is domiciled in the UK .
27 In all nasal consonants , the soft palate is lowered and at the same time the mouth passage is blocked at some point , so that all the air is pushed out of the nose .
28 Sloane himself reckoned that such an opportunity to travel and at the same time pursue the practice of physic was too good an opportunity to miss .
29 In order to understand their significance and the ways in which money supply can be controlled , it is first necessary to look at the various types of account in which money can be held and at the various financial institutions involved .
30 At higher speeds it is difficult to dissipate sufficient of the energy of motion of the Moon for it to be captured and at the same time yield an Earth-Moon system that resembles the one that actually exists .
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