Example sentences of "[verb] and by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The news media can , by the way they report and by the significance they attach to personalities , events and the statements of individuals , colour the attitudes of the public and in turn influence the way in which the constitution is interpreted and the political system works .
2 An extra dimension is added by the practical motivation of the problems considered and by the need to formulate these mathematically .
3 April came and by the end of it I felt exceedingly well .
4 Wade 's plan was immediately accepted and by the summer of 1725 he was back in Scotland with a new appointment , that of Commander of the Forces in North Britain .
5 There was evidence that potential sub-licensees were deterred by the level of royalty sought and by the non-exclusivity of the licences on offer .
6 At present , almost 80% of the 280 or so necessary legislative measures have been adopted and by the end of the year it is expected to be 90% .
7 He went past the bo , my brother wanted dropped off , it was a one way street he went the way down came back up and parked and by the time he come up and parked it was thirty P extra !
8 The french windows of the living-room stood open while they ate and by the time they reached the coffee stage darkness had closed over the hills across the water .
9 Already huge controversy has been provoked by some researchers ' attempts to claim effective ownership of human genes through patenting and by a proposal to set up a UK national database of ‘ DNA fingerprints ’ to enable the rapid identification and capture of violent criminals .
10 She was singing on stage when we arrived and by the time I had reached my seat I said to the man who was with me , this is the Salome I have been looking for .
11 Her sisters Sarah and Jane , her senior by six and four years respectively , were already spending mornings in the downstairs classroom when she was born and by the time Diana was ready to join them they were packing their bags for boarding-school .
12 Public transport was initially most affected and by the end of the month postal services , refuse collection and hospital services were disrupted in cities and towns across western Germany .
13 Minton went to apologise and by the end of his visit both he and Lindsay are said to have been very drunk and reconciled .
14 This was unnerving and by the time I got to the top I was exhausted .
15 Forecasts were reduced and by the year 2000 it was expected that 45pc of homes 9.5 million were likely to have a dish or cable TV — 800,000 fewer than first predicted .
16 The motor age had arrived and by the end of the 1950s one and a quarter million new vehicles were being registered every year .
17 But virtue eventually triumphs and by the finale the world is saved , thanks to the rediscovery of the good old punch card .
18 The name stuck and by the end of the day it seemed to Murray that every child in the school covertly sniggered ‘ Toady ’ as he passed .
19 Lydia was also faintly disgusted by tears , by the weakness they evinced and by the viscosity of their substance .
20 Several thousands went and by the autumn , six months later , when they were allowed to return to their pillaged homes , almost half had died , of disease and malnutrition .
21 The majority of Danes asking ‘ Geoff Who ? ’ were soon enlightened and by the end of the evening there was hum of comment about this tasteful guitarist with a tone that would impress Peter Green himself !
22 As the word spread that potatoes were a very good food to eat people 's reluctance to include potatoes in their diet was overcome and by the end of the 18th Century almost every country in Europe had accepted this knobbly brown tuber as part of their everyday diet .
23 Courage and hope emerged and by the time the web was finished , the bread broken and shared , people were smiling and charged with energy .
24 and then it all had to be scrapped and by the middle
25 I hope that I have redressed the balance regarding the usual effect of freeze branding and by the way I do n't have a financial interest in either system so my view is unbiased .
26 She forced Moran to dance and by the night 's end she was worn out by the single effort .
27 A sharp downturn in 1920–1 was aggravated and by the middle of 1921 Britain was experiencing one of the worst recessions in its history , with unemployment rising to 2.4 million in May in that year ( 22 per cent of the insured labour force ) .
28 Intense competition between the two great powers continues and by the end of the century both were deeply involved in different aspects of Persian life .
29 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
30 By mid-way through the campaign this had narrowed to a level where nearly as many people agreed as disagreed and by the end of the campaign we had totally swapped over people 's opinions .
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