Example sentences of "[verb] and [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This mother said that even in the midst of all the pain and trauma of her children being taken away , she had felt surrounded and safe in the love and support of the Quaker movement .
2 Individually designed and functional to the very last detail .
3 Right , so it will be sel self defeating , job creation in the urban areas will be self defeating and most of the , the reason why that was particularly important because historically most of the job creation schemes that governments have put in place with or without aid in developing countries is in the urban areas , you know , it 's the erm subsidized industrial plants , subsidized erm manu manufacturing industry , right so that the import substitution industries er have been set up with government and or aid money , foreign aid money and what Harrison Todaro was saying you 're wasting your time putting money into these big projects , right , because that only in that only in erm exaggerates th the migration problem because it really will increase people 's perception of er job possibilities in the urban area , they think there are jobs being created by government there , that will happen as another , as another stimulus er let me just draw a little diagram what Harrison Todaro was saying right we 've got time here such to say horizontal axis marks the lifespan of some representative migrant , then you 've got wages , wages in the agricultural area and wages in the urban area like let's just say that this is the wage rate in agriculture , right .
4 ‘ Throat lozenges labelled ‘ Winky ’ , made in Milan , the paper torn and three of the lozenges remaining .
5 As she covered me from toe to head in the brown muck I thought of Julien Sorel in The Red and the Black , dissimulating and silent for the sake of ambition , his pride often shattered , but beneath it all solid in his superiority .
6 It is the last of the merostomes the group of fossil horseshoe crabs that were varied and numerous in the coal swamps of the Carboniferous and have a history that extends back to the Cambrian .
7 Examples from the Orloff and Orléans-Panthièvre services are included and one of the best pieces from the latter is a soup tureen by Edmé-Pierre Balzac , made in Paris in 1757–58 and now estimated to make FFr3–5m ( £300–500,000 , $530–880,000 ) .
8 Glass , like other substances , contracts as it cools and if the outer parts of the glass be cooled and hardened before the inner parts then the outside will , of course , contract more initially than the inside but , since the inside is still soft , it will yield in the early stages of cooling .
9 Her bronze was bruised and discoloured from the raw cold burn of space .
10 Not one Girl was dropped and due to the anti-social breath of the stagehands , not one romance developed .
11 He was found trapped and unconscious at the bottom of the shaft .
12 Trapped and mad as the birds , she 'd have seen the horse chestnut and its thick green kaleidoscope of leaves from her barred window .
13 Barnes was laughing as he climbed out of his cockpit , and pointed at the huge hole in one wing-root made by a cannon shell and another through the opposite wing .
14 Alan Watkins of the Observer had spent August and September as a guest in Great Houses ; Michael Jones of The Sunday Times had spent six weeks in Tuscany avoiding , whenever he could , the Gilmours , Jenkinses and Mortimers ; Peter Riddell of The Times , Hugo Young , Julia Langdon , Simon Heffer , Sir Robin Day-they were all in Brighton on expenses , refreshed and ready for the fray .
15 This produces a machine which is easy to repair and ideal for the beginner .
16 Many of these are challenging and difficult for the counsellee to accept .
17 The roof collapsed and one of the men was killed .
18 Be before you were chosen by whatever process a number of us was asked to comment and one of the things I felt it important to say was that the URC plays a very important role both in being a bridge between all these nations but also serving a particular reform tradition within Wales .
19 the rate of interest is often subsidized and fixed for the life of the loan
20 Nicholas could see where he lay , his limbs cocked and black against the paler stone of the wall .
21 Such an inequality has been modified and refined in the decades since emancipation , but blacks have never quite shed the remnants of their shackles and have stayed socially unequal .
22 The lines of division over political unity and economic integration versus association and cooperation had already been clarified and hardened in the previous debates over the future of Europe .
23 They are emphatically against making divorce more difficult to obtain and unsympathetic to the idea that society should do more to protect marriage .
24 The scholar Lipsius , mentor of Scaliger , wrote of him , ‘ In origin low and servile , in body lame and feeble , in mind most exalted and brilliant among the lights of every age .
25 That 's something we , we , that 's what we found and one of the things we have got is this youth bus actually operating in the town and it erm , it 's running three nights a week , we ca n't cover every bit of the town , but it goes to different area 's of the town , The Stow , and Old Harlow , I mean we 've actually got quite good relationship 's with , with , with the young people in Old Harlow , but erm , I mean we ca n't cover every night , I mean there is a problem , of erm , you know , you you get from a position where you recognise it , you , you , you need to start catering for a particular group and it takes a long time getting there .
26 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
27 ‘ Adapted ’ means fit and apt for the purpose .
28 All the bread and rolls we used and most of the cheese were donated by surrounding shops and hotels .
29 Something is ranging and snuffing round our small retreat , trying the shutters and huffing and puffing inside the door .
30 The red F40 was parked and ready in the underground car-park .
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