Example sentences of "[verb] be in the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The biggest decline has been in the 1.3 to two-litre sector .
2 However , by and large , the audience split between the commercial and non-commercial sectors has been in the 40:60 ratio ( or vice versa ) and , therefore , within acceptable limits .
3 There has been in the 1980s in Italy , as elsewhere , a revival of historical narrative in which , however , the reader is not allowed to take the authenticity and authority of the historical material for granted .
4 This takes a look at where the game has been in the Eighties and where it might be going in future .
5 The only romance the Timelord ever enjoyed was in the 1964 William Hartnell four-parter , The Aztecs .
6 The closest they came was in the mid-Eighties when their group , Trash , Flash And Money — ‘ straight down-the-line uninteresting Billy Idol rock music ’ — was signed to a development deal by Capitol records in America ( in a development deal they give you some money while they decide whether you are any cop after all ) .
7 This must have been in the two years between the autumn or summer of 1187 , when he left Paris , and September 1189 , by which time he had been created a cardinal deacon by his relative , Pope Clement III .
8 Was after world war one anyway I mind of that , so say it might have been in the twenties he might have done I would n't say proper
9 Weak though its labour organisation may have been in the 1880s , it had a longer tradition of trade unionism among seamen than any other part of the country .
10 A reconstruction ( looking NW ) of the area of the Atlas works of Simpson , Maule & Nicholson , as it would have been in the 1860s .
11 However successful these policies may have been in the fifties we have , I believe , convincing evidence that they have failed since the world-wide inflation which started with the mismanagement of the finances raised to pay for the Vietnam War .
12 It is easy to forget that most of the energy that the real world consumes is in the million of stoves burning gas , kerosene , wood and coal in homes across the Third World .
13 McQueen 's most fruitful period in films had been in the sixties while Dustin was still unknown outside off-Broadway .
14 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
15 In time , she hoped that some theatrical Producer would see to it that Shakespearian plays were performed on the cliffs again , as they had been in the nineteen thirties .
16 What I was erm doing was trying to identify the three er characteristics of the er Maoist Communist Party as it emerged towards the end of the nineteen thirties which really disqualifies it , I think , from the label Marxist , means that it 's a completely different type of organization to what the Chinese Communist Party had been in the nineteen twenties .
17 The cumulative effect was that by Anne 's reign relations between Dissenters and Anglicans in many communities were no better than they had been in the 1680s .
18 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
19 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
20 The US still carried much of the burden of NATO defence and undoubtedly remained the most powerful state in the world , but its relative superiority to other states was not what it had been in the 1950s .
21 Yet , without minimising the very real material and political benefits gained by ordinary working-class people in the 1940s , one must recognise the qualitatively ambiguous nature of these welfare innovations : a National Health Service which greatly benefited working-class women and children but also consolidated the power of an elite of consultants ; secondary education for all , but qualitatively differentiated , with selection by and large on grounds of social class , and the independent sector left intact ; a comprehensive social security system , but with benefit rates no higher in relation to average earnings than they had been in the 1930s .
22 She turned away , leaving Peggy standing stiff and cold , although the sun was shining and it had been in the seventies all day .
23 Bright colours were no longer confined to the ‘ fun ’ shoe as they had been in the Seventies .
24 Although some of the official assessments of cattle stealing in Kurunagala at the turn of the century may have been over-optimistic , it is clear that the level of the crime in the district , and more generally the Northern Band , was much less than it had been in the 1880s and earlier .
25 Even the second Carlist War in Spain ( 1872–6 ) was a much less widespread affair than the first one had been in the 1830s , and virtually confined to the Basque provinces .
26 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
27 The only tackiness I 've discovered was in the two paintings kept pressed together .
28 ‘ I have been in the 190s for more than a year , so I will be glad to get there , ’ said Dixon .
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