Example sentences of "[verb] be [adv] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mature Student was defined as someone who has been away from continuous education for more than one year .
2 The June 5 announcement that Foreign Minister Ghozali was to be the new Prime Minister prompted favourable international press comment ; Tehran radio said that he was " recognized by the Islamists as someone who has been away from domestic confrontation " .
3 Its profits record , which has been far from outstanding , suggests that it is wrong .
4 Both her looks and personality came from a ride to stardom that has been far from comfortable .
5 But the year since Robert Maxwell 's death has been far from comfortable .
6 The task of loading and storing the data has been far from trivial ; for one thing , the total raw data in the SAS/LBS for Great Britain at all areal levels comes to some 6–7 gigabytes .
7 We had already settled for Peru when Terry rang , but the vision he described was far from encouraging : Lima a cauldron of unrest and theft , the hills in the hands of ‘ Sendero , ’ the country on the edge of collapse .
8 And I 'd been there from six in the morning till quarter to nine .
9 The modest honours he received were mainly from natural history societies , but in 1873 he was awarded the honorary degree of MA by Yale University , in 1902 the Victoria medal of honour by the Royal Horticultural Society , and in 1903 the gold medal of the Linnean Society .
10 But while the legislators were vying with each other to amend insolvency laws which all were agreed were far from fair or just , in 1842 they were able to agree on the need to do away with the notorious symbol of that unfairness and injustice , the Fleet Prison .
11 The conclusion to be drawn from the above discussion is that while market forces undoubtedly constrain management behaviour , the disciplinary framework they impose is far from complete .
12 ( Even so , Valentin 's marriage did not survive and it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that its atmosphere must have been far from normal .
13 The fears of insecurity which the system once provoked were far from notional — for example , the number of possession orders granted to farmers in England and Wales in 1975 was 1268 .
14 If there were no need for sheltered workshops because disabled people were fully integrated into ‘ normal ’ society , then it would be a gain ; but if , as I suspect , in these hard times it is impossible for many severely disabled people to get a job of any sort , surely the lack of opportunity to go to work is a loss — even if the kind of work they do is far from ideal .
15 What this means is far from clear .
16 Mr Modrow also criticised the party 's former leader , Mr Egon Krenz , who he said had been far from honest in saying he was a reformer .
17 Mr Modrow also criticised the party 's former leader , Mr Egon Krenz , who he said had been far from honest in saying he was a reformer .
18 The visit had been far from successful , for Adam had sulked when offered the four-ten , the so-called ‘ lady 's gun ’ .
19 The operation had been far from easy , the cable being ‘ … manhandled out of the hold of a steamer , over a pulley and round a drum which measured the speed , and then several times round a brake drum before passing into the sea ’ .5
20 Both Croatia and the Lebanon objected on the grounds that Sotheby 's had been far from complete in its discovery process , and was trying to slip out from the case before the evidence of Mr Camber was made available .
21 He linked the freedom of the foreign-owned press in Africa to the general principle of press freedom , but remarked that its effects had been far from encouraging : the press had done things that he personally was very unhappy about .
22 Absenteeism and lack of reverence in church had been far from unknown before the Reformation ; indeed such charges were the most frequent cause of appearances before the Suffolk ecclesiastical courts in the fifteenth century .
23 In later years , Roderick confided that he had been far from happy with the title , for the book certainly was not " elementary " .
24 Earlier in the day , Jeffrey had been far from happy to learn that the Scotland seven to be chosen from a pool of ten — Hong Kong have increased from nine to remain consistent with the World Cup format — would have around five hours between their ties tomorrow .
25 Only a few days before an ITV programme had been far from complimentary about some of the Salvation Army hostels .
26 To be able just to walk , or drive , wherever you want ; Christ , I 've been away from all this for less than a week and I feel like somebody coming out after thirty years .
27 You 've been away from active duty for a while , have n't you ? ’
28 The quotations that follow are both from personal letters to the present writers , commenting on a published suggestion that those who give advice to parents often do not pay enough attention to the parents ' own views .
29 It is as simple as that ( though I guess the skills required are far from simple ) .
30 This year has been hard work for us , and for our trainees , some of whom have been away from formal education for some time .
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