Example sentences of "[verb] be [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 All I have ever known of love has been here in this house .
2 You will enjoy being here at this course , you will enjoy the training .
3 In come the Estonians , ’ Harold Macmillan is said to have remarked after one of Margaret Thatcher 's early cabinet reshuffles , and the men to whom the Prime Minister turned were certainly outside this small genetic pool .
4 He hated the music they were playing Highland stuff , mostly — he hated being here in this dull , wet town , with these dull people listening to their dull music at their dull wedding .
5 That might have been so in this nation , but it was not the case throughout the empire .
6 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
7 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
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