Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] a small " in BNC.

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1 She has been taking a small holiday .
2 This does not normally involve dismantling the disk drive , you just insert in the drive a special disk to which has been added a small amount of a cleaning fluid .
3 But , on getting her act together later the next day , Laura had been appalled to discover that not only had Ross already left for Australia — but she 'd been given a small attic room next to the children 's nursery .
4 The only thing she 'd done is make a small scratch with a rose thorn and was unfortunate enough to get a piece of contaminated soil
5 She counted to ten as she had been taught when about to deliver a big speech , but when she tried to force some words of outrage from between her teeth her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth and the most she could do was make a small cry of protest deep in her throat .
6 The technique employed is to attach a small trout , or even herring , to a bare hook .
7 In order to perform a pre-programmed masterpiece , all the player has to do is wave a small baton over an electronic array .
8 He might well have been working a small place on his own behalf .
9 One of the first things he did was to activate a small probe , with which he scanned his surroundings .
10 One of his ideas had been to take a small naval party with him who would attempt to scuttle a ship in the harbour mouth .
11 He had been to Martin Finkelstein 's bar mitzvah and had been given a small white hat , which was still on his mantelpiece at home .
12 Haroun had been given a small separate room at the end of the hut , as befitted a VIP .
13 I was sure she had been holding a small phial with the letters ‘ SUL ’ written on it .
14 She had been expecting a small , dusty room filled with paintings draped in cloths that were thick with dust , where air would have a musty scent of old canvas and decay .
15 Two were ‘ career ’ users , one of opioids and one of speed ; one woman 's husband was a dealer ; two other women began to steal from their husband 's ‘ stash ’ without his knowledge ; two were unemployed ; and one had been left a small legacy just prior to his heroin use .
16 He had been carrying a small bag , which he dumped on the table , and she looked at it in disbelief .
17 FOR over two years now Technology Branch Services ( now part of the Customer Service Management team ) have been surveying a small number of branches each month to get input from staff on their perception of the levels of service on the 4700 Back Office system .
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