Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Can I just say then we seem to have agreed that that standard Andrew points been taken on board and dismissed out of hand
2 ‘ Martial law has been declared on Mars , ’ announced Derek Carlisle .
3 The essence of limited partnership as a form of business enterprise has been explained on p. 29 in the section on choosing the form of business enterprise .
4 While it has to be obvious that current success has been built on foundations that were perhaps sounder than people generally thought ten years ago , the combination of a livelier economy and greater commercial drive ( leading above all to more commonsense , usually more local management ) has produced results far above the most rosy forecasts .
5 In the West we readily accept the idea of Third World debt and forget that our present wealth has been built on riches plundered by our colonizing ancestors .
6 This risks ruining an elaborate network of foreign-trade partners that has been built on trust .
7 Like a ‘ Tel ’ in the Palestinian desert , built on layers of civilization , my life has been built on strata of guilt .
8 Much has been written on railway routes and rolling stock .
9 The training , which has yet to take place in the UK in a formal way , will draw on what has been written on language techniques and the specific situation of the deaf community .
10 Little of scholarly value has been written on crime in colonial South Asia , but the work which is available has shown a strong positive relationship between property crime , including robbery , and depressed economic conditions .
11 Depending on personal preference , the user can scan the print-out for errors or amendments needed in wording or layout or , without printing the document , can view what has been written on screen .
12 The JCT designed this form for use where minor building works are to be carried out for an agreed lump sum based on drawings and/or specifications and/or schedules but without detailed measurements , and where an architect or supervising officer has been appointed on behalf of the employer .
13 Here again they state that the form is for use where works are carried out for an agreed lump sum and where an architect or supervising officer has been appointed on behalf of the employer .
14 This event has been carved on Metzler Gate in Kaiserslautern for as long as people can remember .
15 The screen replaces the car windscreen , and on it is shown a road scene that has been recorded on video tape , and transferred to disk .
16 The injustice of the ragpickers ' existence has been recorded on video by the ecumenical Media Centre of Bangalore , with the aim of raising public awareness of their plight .
17 Some work has been done on monkeys with restricted visual cortex ablations ( Mohter and Wurtz 1977 ; Weiskrantz and Cowey 1970 ) and , in these , it has been shown that the ability to detect light flashes and make saccadic eye movements to fixate stimuli within the blind field is retained .
18 Work has been done on contamination of fish and water and air , but little has been done to study it 's effect on the human population .
19 Some of his more notable work has been done on music videos , a form he is far from despising .
20 Much has been written on the larger species of mammalian predator and their importance as bone accumulators , but little has been done on predators of small mammals .
21 The neglect of the subject as a whole is no doubt simply due to the disproportionate amount of recent linguistic work that has been done on English or closely related languages .
22 Otherwise , the excellent work that has been done on education and exhibitions will have to cease .
23 I have said a good deal more on Government Back Benches than I have on Opposition Back Benches and very often it has been what has been done on Government Back Benches that has saved even Labour Governments from some of their follies .
24 All the Okapi work has been done on systems which have been developed at least to a point where they are reliable and complete enough to be installed in a library unattended .
25 Many relinquishing mothers ( little work has been done on fathers ) do not appear to be reconciled to the adoption — 62 per cent of birth parents ' referrals to the PAC concerned a search for their child .
26 Considerable work has been done on arrangements , not only for accommodation but for the resettlement of those who will be leaving the service in the course of the rundown .
27 I do n't know whether this is necessary but Caroline erm , but when we take on a new type of business which is n't covered by our current procedures erm , say electronic data collection or something , which up until then has been done on paper , that we ought to have some simple statement in a procedure about how we are going to er , ma , ensure that we 've got a new set of procedures to deal with that new type of , new system .
28 Much work has been done on children 's understanding of how a person 's beliefs determine that person 's actions , but less is known about their conception of the role of motivation in action .
29 Another reason why the relation of demes to city is now seen differently , and why demes now seem more important , is simply that more archaeological work has been done on deme sites .
30 While no systematic research has been done on language use within families in the Bradford Dominican community , Tate considers that her informants , who were Rastafarian members of a band , had competence in JC on a par with natives of Jamaica ( Tate is herself Jamaican-born ) .
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