Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 She will be opposed by Kenbu , who has been backed at long odds for the 1,000 Guineas and is a stablemate of the outstanding Arazi .
2 Stablemate Desert Zone — who has been backed at long odds for the Ever Ready Derby — runs today at Brighton but Cole 's main hope , Great Palm , is not due to reappear until the Dante Stakes next month .
3 We had two perfect days skiing , early morning climbs being rewarded by long sweeping runs back down to the valley bottom on sun-softened neve .
4 What we can still do is to escape at long last from the constitutional fiction which we once grasped to ease our transition from the capital of a worldwide empire to a nation state alongside other nation states , but which , having produced so much havoc here at home , has turned into an instrument for external duress to be brought to bear on our own political institutions .
5 But , having been blessed with long , slender legs and what Paul described as a model-girl 's figure , she was used to being stared at , so she walked past them with her normal slightly coltish grace , her composure intact .
6 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
7 All three had been assigned to Long Kesh Prison near Lisburn to await trial .
8 it is clear from the statement of claim that the er plaintiffs retained the defendants from about the ninth of September to act in relation to the purchase of this wine bar which was then known as er the plaintiffs were obtaining finance from the National Westminster Bank in order to purchase this business and the plaintiff Mr had been engaged in long standing discussions with his bank from the earlier part of nineteen eighty five with a view to er agreeing financing facilities for the purchase of the various opportunities that preven present themselves and er he will say and that he makes clear in his witness statement erm that he certainly had understood that from these negotiations the National Westminster Bank were prepared to provide the financing that he required to run this business .
9 All had been sentenced to long prison sentences for the " dirty war " against left-wing guerrillas and dissidents , during which an estimated 9,000 people " disappeared " and thousands more were abducted , tortured and murdered .
10 The human rights organization Amnesty International on Dec. 10 issued a report on Myanma listing some 200 people arrested in the country during the first seven months of 1991 , nearly 40 of whom had been sentenced to long prison terms after " blatantly unfair " trials .
11 A regional Communist Party leader before the 1989 revolution which overthrew his father , he had been sentenced to long prison sentences for murder ( later overturned ) and other crimes [ see pp. 37725 ; 38306 ] .
12 Thirty four patients had been maintained on delayed release mesalazine for a minimum of six months and 28 had been maintained on long term sulphasalazine .
13 Consequently , you will slowly be able to eliminate many ailments that have been caused by long standing patterns of misuse .
14 Again some instincts have been developed through long continued and inherited habits .
15 Long service awards for trio of Terriers THREE part-time soldiers with nearly 70 years in uniform between them have been honoured for long service .
16 This latter is the product of teaching which uses for its arbiter of right and wrong , contentious standards which have been produced from long established religions which in turn claim to have mystic knowledge of right and wrong supplied by some extraterrestrial and undefined ‘ god ’ .
17 If the body 's vitality is low , or if its reactive powers have been suppressed through long exposure to steroid drugs , homoeopathic remedies are often ineffective .
18 The ‘ Care in the Community ’ initiative sought to extend this cooperation to help people who have been hospitalized for long periods .
19 Some 90,000 have been dismissed from their jobs for political reasons and thousands have been imprisoned for long sentences .
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