Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] up on [art] " in BNC.

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1 She levered herself up on an elbow , gazing down at his handsome , tanned face .
2 HAVE noticed that any old grandad who can prop himself up on a spade can dig better than I can , and it does seem that although women have virtues not given to men , men also have their gifts .
3 In London , you can index the mean income of the households by the state of the gutters outside ; in the area where the archive of Ephemera lies in boxes , waiting for its eventual home , there 's a kind of mangy green lozenge next to the local church where the derelicts hang around , propping themselves up on the park bench in a drift of beer cans and double strength cider bottles and blown crisp packets .
4 Before dawn , I was in the sleeping-bag , propping myself up on an elbow , Bible in one hand , torch in the other , flicking the beam periodically to the right of my legs , where the small aluminium pan and stove were struggling to boil water for tea .
5 She pulled herself up on the bed and , kneeling in such a way that George could see her breasts to their best advantage , took his phallus into her mouth .
6 The women in this case are suspects in their own right , especially if we take notice of that boy , though from what you–say I ca n't see Anna 's mother hauling herself up on the scaffolding behind Benson 's , or making a run for it when the boy turned up . ’
7 He eased himself up on the pillow and examined the breakfast tray .
8 Another goal I thought was certain was Wallace 's solo run on the keeper ( I was the one hoisting myself up on the terrace barrier screaming as it happened ) coming in on his right .
9 Got them wetting themselves up on the clouds , I daresay …
10 She was surprised to find that she was not at all self-conscious with him and she moved to nestle comfortably against him when he rolled away from her and propped himself up on the pillows .
11 She stretched and propped herself up on an elbow , aware that something was not quite right .
12 He passed a mug to her and she propped herself up on the pillows to accept it .
13 Go on , push yourself up on the handles and let the trolley take you for a ride , just like a child !
14 ‘ I promise you that we will have a long talk — and sort out everything between us , once and for all , ’ he murmured , burying his face in her blonde hair for a moment , before raising himself up on an elbow to gaze down at her lovely face .
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