Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But we still went on enjoying ourselves immensely for the officers handed us chocolates and were very kind .
2 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
3 We also found ourselves together in the middle of the LA riots — two days of mayhem without a cop in sight — so I guess that brought us closer together !
4 We will confine ourselves here to the state-owned case , leaving regulation to chapter 5 .
5 We shall confine ourselves here to the statutory requirements which must be observed .
6 His spirit had not been broken ; rather he was afraid of tearing himself apart with the involuntary jerking of one side of his limbs in the opposite direction to the other .
7 He got hold of the polished tip of one of his shoes , and tried to pull himself away from the wall .
8 He had no desire to defeat boredom by provoking political excitement and keeping himself constantly at a stretch .
9 But then he , himself , had never concerned himself greatly with the case of Michael Holly .
10 The Emperor , who had set out to find a partner in a European congress found himself instead with an ally engaged in a European war .
11 He is such a lucid writer — and although he defends himself ably against the charge of superficiality ( which has been levelled since I was a student ) the breadth of his scholarship is so immense that the defence seems unnecessary .
12 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
13 In the first called Ascot , Nielsen disguises himself cunningly in a hat that would have probably made Gertrude Shilling turn pale .
14 He has committed himself definitely to a belief .
15 But the boot room continued to play an invaluable part in this difficult post-Heysel period , helping Kenny Dalglish to establish himself quickly as an outstanding manager with the club 's first championship-FA Cup double in 1986 , and subsequent League titles and another FA Cup final .
16 For a man who places himself resolutely against the suppression o questions Lord Todd 's juggling act with logic seem odd .
17 ‘ As the intention of the Society is to form Veterinary Physicians and Surgeons intended to be dispersed throughout the Kingdom to exercise usefully their art , the Professor will teach the residing pupils only the most important difference between the two medicines — that of the human body , and that of Cattle — he will confine himself strictly to the teaching of the Veterinary Science . ’
18 It was no doubt in part at least to consolidate himself dynastically in the face of the threat posed by Oswine that Oswiu married Eanflaed , daughter of Eadwine and Aethelburh , and therefore of part-Deiran , part-Kentish extraction , c. 644 ( her son , Ecgfrith , was in his fortieth year in 685 ) ( HE 111 , 15 ) .
19 ‘ Now then , ’ he said , crouching under the eave and seating himself comfortably at the foot of his bed , ‘ what 's it all about , eh ? ’
20 Notice that Paul does not tie himself legalistically to the details of Jesus 's words .
21 Plainly the man who wrote this was the man who in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley took as his model and master Gautier , who described himself proudly as a man ‘ pour qui le monde visible existe ’ .
22 At no. 6 lived Anne Knight , a widow born in Horningsham , Wilts. , where , by coincidence , a number of Titfords had been baptised in the mid-17th century ; no. 8 contained the Tomlinson family , a hay salesman 's bookkeeper from Norwich ; George Childs at no. 10 described himself grandly as a ‘ Landscape Painter ’ , and at no. 14 a lady called Mary Archer was in business as a private lodging-house keeper , assisted by Eliza Wade , her 17-year-old servant from Stepney .
23 Electronics specialist or not , he regarded himself primarily as a classicist and– indeed , he was totally fluent in reading and writing both Latin and Greek .
24 Convinced that there were practical solutions to the social evils of his day , he devoted himself particularly to the temperance movement .
25 This surrender was legitimized only if the monarch devoted himself unsparingly to the good of the state and his subjects .
26 In the same year , the tsar involved himself personally in the foundation of the reformist journal Military Miscellany .
27 The water level drops and then , woosh , up it all comes , first rising like a column — at this stage it looks like a vaguely blue shaggy ink cap toadstool — then blasting itself apart in a flourish of steam .
28 It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle .
29 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
30 It moved sinuously , dancing round its adversary , thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield .
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