Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle .
2 ‘ I love you — naught else matters , ’ she said , moving away and seating herself demurely on the furskin rug in front of the fire .
3 For the tribal stage , in particular , they base themselves only on the vaguest generalization as gathered probably from philosophical treatises .
4 Peel quotes evidence that the raging streamfloods and sheetfloods mentioned above are the exceptions that have impressed themselves strongly on the mind of chance , lucky observers .
5 When he finally got on his feet , Roger seemed unduly keen , and I found myself unexpectedly on the defensive .
6 When an inquisitive fish or crab provokes them to such action , it finds itself struggling in a mesh of filaments while the sea cucumber slowly inches itself away on the tube feet that protrude from its underside .
7 Pravda , the official Soviet newspaper , has positioned itself unambiguously on the side of the East German government 's authority .
8 If you know what your aims are ; if you make sure that you know how to memorise and recall ; if your reviews are effective , with good concentration , you may feel yourself well on the way to becoming a successful student with a bright future .
9 Ladies , two , with ample flesh flapping from the bones of their legs spread themselves thickly on the tube train seat and gather in their posh polythene well-advertised shopping receptacles like a doting mother with five children .
10 Oh Jane , my hope … my love … my life ! ’ and he threw himself despairingly on the sofa .
11 Antony perched himself comfortably on the edge of the table .
12 Alec perched himself opposite on the edge of an armchair .
13 She perched herself uncomfortably on the only chair in the room as he sat down on the bed .
14 Loretta perched herself uncomfortably on the very edge of the jacket .
15 Other examples include Marks and Spencer , and British Home Stores , two chains which based themselves originally on the clothing trade , but which between them have diversified into footwear , foodstuffs , toys and books , amongst other items .
16 Miss Fergusson expressed herself forcibly on the subject of popular superstition and the responsibility of the clergy .
17 Miss Logan was angry and distressed at such Judas-like behaviour , and expressed herself forcibly on the subject to the Armenian priest , who nodded and offered to say prayers for Miss Fergusson .
18 Most black elders in Britain today maintain themselves either on the level of income support rates or below the poverty level .
19 After they had told her Wexford and Burden sat helplessly while she flung herself face-downwards on the sofa and sobbed into the cushions .
20 Paul Littlejohn settled himself carefully on the sofa .
21 Oliver squirmed with excitement , flinging himself backwards on the grass .
22 He had settled himself comfortably on the floor , to the astonished glances of some guests , her beautiful skirts rustling as he leant against them .
23 He throws himself entirely on the divine generosity of which he has already had such rich experience .
24 The Last Tycoon filly , out of a half-sister to Royal Gait , acquitted herself well on the Midlands track on her only start last month , gamely chasing home easy winner Ballerina after being switched , finishing two lengths second .
25 Dr Frome slapped himself violently on the thigh .
26 Christmas has come early for me with this one — another mysterious release that planted itself firmly on the Vibes desk .
27 among anthropologists and among philosophers but I dare say that most readers of this book would like to situate themselves somewhere on the Epicurean side of the fence ; so would I , but the intellectual difficulties which flow from that position are very great .
28 At the same time , it was not to be supposed that William Joyce had put himself entirely on the wrong side of the law .
29 ‘ Idolo , my hero , I am 'ere ! ’ yelled a busty blonde through cupped hands , earning herself a wave from Juan and dirty looks from both Sharon and Mrs Juan , who had stationed themselves grimly on the halfway line , surrounded by supporters .
30 This might suggest that France won the War of the Spanish Succession but nobody in Britain and not many people in France saw the result this way ; it was regarded more as a struggle in which the British asserted themselves militarily on the continent of Europe and began to show signs of a policy of taking over the smaller colonies of other European powers by conquest .
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