Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
2 Although there was no direct reference to the Rose Bowl , Folly found herself part of a group discussing the hypothetical marketing problems of a small floristry business .
3 As she slipped into the water beside them Rachel was aware that David had thrown a large orange ball into the pool before jumping in himself , and within seconds she found herself part of a noisy , boisterous game of water hand-ball .
4 Yet the first step had been taken , and an inexpressible sadness closed in upon him , as if he had stripped himself wantonly of the children who were his own flesh .
5 A diplomat who spent most of his working life in foreign capitals could easily feel himself part of an aristocratic international to which national feeling was hardly more than a vulgar plebeian prejudice .
6 Their activism is now able to sustain itself independently of the lives , dreams and aspirations of the majority of blacks from whose experience they derive their authority to speak .
7 No country has yet settled on how to rid itself forever of the thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste that is piling up at power plants .
8 According to Elm 's sales director , Jim Cooper , the company is positioning itself ahead of a tightening of US food storage laws which is due to take place in the next 18 months .
9 Doctors believe the gun may also reduce health care costs … easy enough for patients to use themselves instead of a visit to the hospital .
10 Elsewhere in the media world , LWT has come up with a new plan to restructure itself ahead of the new franchise auction in 1992 .
11 She imagined the child Lucenzo , parading in the Piazza in his brocade coat and shiny buckle shoes one year , then finding himself part of a real-life fairy-tale the next .
12 Piggott , 57 , gave himself much of the credit for the victory , cheekily telling trainer Richard Hannon : ‘ I rode a brilliant race , did n't I. ’
13 He 's been making himself part of the England scene by acting as spy for some time now as already noted on the list .
14 ‘ But I am neither so foolish , nor so quixotic — nor , I may add , is my mind and resolution of so high an order ! — as to deprive myself entirely of the opportunity to better my own lot .
15 But it would be well for British business to remind itself occasionally of the message contained in Figure 1 ( page 60 ) : the fastest-growing markets are not in Europe .
16 Woe betide a Soviet regime which shoots Russian and Eastern Ukrainian miners , the elite of the working class in the supposed land of the proletariat , and does so moreover in an era when suppression of news is no longer possible and society is rapidly organising itself autonomously of the state .
17 She believes that Hewlett-Packard has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
18 She believes HP has now carved itself enough of a breathing space to be able to consider various options at both ends of the market .
19 Transposons are fragments of DNA that seem to have evolved the ability to reduplicate themselves independently of the chromosomes in which they are integrated , and to re-integrate duplicate copies in other parts of the chromosome .
20 What did bother her was the realisation that very soon Luke could find himself part of the same mess .
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