Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 He got hold of the polished tip of one of his shoes , and tried to pull himself away from the wall .
2 Dexter levered himself up from the chair , his eyelids leaden with sleep , and murmured that he had to go home and rest .
3 She levered herself away from the door , crossed to the heavy old sideboard and took out the bottle of whisky and a glass .
4 After delivering 10-year-old William and eight-year-old Harry to Charles on Wednesday night , the princess chose to hide herself away from the world at her family home of Althorp , ready for her worst Christmas ever .
5 Mandy managed to pull herself away from the glasses long enough to roll green eyes at her cousin and wrinkle her freckled nose .
6 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
7 Forging onwards in this way , they found themselves away from the river and in a hinterland of commercial London that was as alien to them as New York or Hong Kong .
8 Shuts himself away from the world . ’
9 He often shuts himself away from the world . ’
10 ‘ Wants attention , he does , ’ murmured Tom , drawing himself away from the window .
11 Why then cut ourselves off from the one source in which may be found an authoritative statement of the intention with which the legislation is placed before Parliament ?
12 Pushing himself away from the walls of the KGB building , Kirov walked in the direction of the Post Office .
13 At the riverside we can see Mr Gould on his stomach out on the ice , pushing himself back from the hole in the river ; people are shouting and running around ; we head down the river towards the narrows and the gorge and my father slips and almost drops me and his breath smells of whisky and food .
14 By the middle of the twentieth century , Adorno found himself confronted with a cultural field in which the squeezed and narrowing pinnacle of aesthetic difference and negation had all but detached itself completely from the squat , commodified mass of capitalist ‘ affirmative ’ culture .
15 Is it possible , ’ wondered the earl , appealing deferentially to Prior Robert 's more profound instruction in things holy , ‘ that for some beneficent purpose of her own she may have transferred herself miraculously from the place where she was laid ?
16 Lesbians and gays are expressing themselves differently from the way they were before the Clause , but they are still saying as openly and as proudly as ever that they want the boundaries changed .
17 Maybe they saw ‘ little water-trees , starwort and milfoil and crow foot ’ ; and ‘ green caterpillars which let themselves down from the boughs by silk ropes for no reason at all ’ ; and ‘ great spiders with crowns and crosses marked on their backs ’ .
18 I slid Lewis 's helmet on and cut myself off from the world .
19 That God 's creatures should revolt against him , and so cut themselves off from the ground of their own being , is an ‘ impossible possibility ’ which has nonetheless been actualised .
20 Pulling himself up from the floor he stood before the dying fire , his short fat legs and large stomach making Michael feel sick inside .
21 Pulling himself away from the older man , he ran after Maisie , who was now somewhere out in the road .
22 Maxie withdrew himself reluctantly from the excitement of the football game he was watching on television .
23 By his own accounts , he could hardly keep himself away from the battle lines in Central America .
24 Fergus tried to lever himself up from the rear bench seat of the old Rover , but failed .
25 Having loved Martha from the bottom of his heart , Sam now found that he loved his daughter every bit as much , and could hardly tear himself away from the cradle , where he would spend hours gazing at the fruit and blessing of the union .
26 This means that Mr Skinner , who voted in more Commons divisions than any other MP last session , will have to absent himself occasionally from the chamber .
27 Over 100 Labour Members of Parliament began to urge the government to dissociate itself entirely from the war .
28 ( In fact , this is really an example of intentional and deliberate socialisation in education , since one of the self-conscious functions of the British public school is the perpetuation of that distinctive life-style by which the elite marks itself off from the rest of society . )
29 Can this group remain within a united working class or will it pursue selfish interests , separating itself further from the remainder of the working class ?
30 The situation will be made more dangerous if the EC cuts itself off from the new North American Free Trade Area .
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