Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] in a " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
2 In the first called Ascot , Nielsen disguises himself cunningly in a hat that would have probably made Gertrude Shilling turn pale .
3 The water level drops and then , woosh , up it all comes , first rising like a column — at this stage it looks like a vaguely blue shaggy ink cap toadstool — then blasting itself apart in a flourish of steam .
4 The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92 .
5 She had curled herself up in a corner of the motorspeeder to get some rest , but there was too much adrenalin swimming aimlessly about her system and her eyes kept opening themselves .
6 Melanie had been told they had come to live in a great city but found herself again in a village , a grey one .
7 He seated himself comfortably in a chair opposite the bed , and hooked a footstool towards him with the toe of his shoe .
8 Clara 's contingent sized up the situation in a disappointed trice , and hunched itself together in a corner to confront the disorderly scene by a solid front of backs .
9 This explains the emergence of out-placement counsellors , consultants who specialise in aiding out-of work executives to sell themselves effectively in a buyer 's market .
10 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
11 Slowly Georg got out of the van , looked around to make sure there was no-one who knew him , then he walked quickly across to the station restaurant , entered , and hid himself quickly in a booth that had a view of the rails .
12 And sings himself home in a Crack .
13 I make a crack to some little thin guy in a blazer who is following us up , but we says nothing and stares in front of him like he 's forcing himself forward in a hill-climb .
14 Those in power wanted the voice of newly independent Tanganyika to express itself forcefully in a printed medium that could be received not only nationally but also abroad .
15 Each village believes itself to be totally different from any other and often marks itself off in a variety of symbolic ways from those which surround it .
16 A more fundamental change has come from studying how animals orient themselves not in a simple environment but in a structurally complex one ; for example , how they use landmarks to find their way home .
17 It 's the songs ' incoherence — for who can keep themselves together in a world that 's falling apart — that gives them their power : to hurt , if not to motivate .
18 The development of pupils ' understanding of the spoken word and the capacity to express themselves effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities , matching style and response to audience and purpose .
19 The development of pupils ' understanding of the spoken word and the capacity to express themselves effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities , matching style and response to audience and purpose .
20 1.8 The three profile components we recommend are as follows : • speaking and listening — with one attainment target : the development of pupils ' understanding of the spoken word and the capacity to express themselves effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities , matching style and response to audience and purpose .
21 speaking and listening — with one attainment target ; the development of pupils ' understanding of the spoken word and the capacity to express themselves effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities , matching style and response to audience and purpose ;
22 look in early nineteen forty eight where we are , wh where the land reform process had taken the Communist Party tt and then we could begin to look forward to where policy was going to go from there in terms of the military , political , economic , ideological future and what I 'm going to do today to , to begin with anyway is , is to just consider where we are and where it is we 're gon na go and in a sense we could , it might be helpful to , to put ourselves back in a position of being the central committee again .
23 It will no doubt sort itself out in a few days . ’
24 Without these criticism lacks intellectual rigour , and is unable to justify itself adequately in a world in which the personal and social utility of the arts is increasingly called into question .
25 The same scenario had played itself out in a hundred different ways when she was a child .
26 She followed into my office and arranged herself neatly in a straight-backed chair , notebook open and sharp pencil ready poised for an attack on the clean white pages .
27 His increasingly independent protégée locked herself away in a London dance studio for three weeks perfecting what was to be one of the most talked about dance routines of the pop year .
28 The standard reaction when you receive such charges is to draw yourself up in a dignified manner and disclaim all knowledge of the dastardly deed .
29 Images of sin , of unwashed bodies locked together in obscene attitudes , apocalyptic denunciations of lust , visions of Else scrubbing herself fiercely in a tin bath , disconnected Bible phrases from his chapel-going youth , coursed through his distracted mind .
30 His right hand gripped at his left shoulder almost convulsively , then let it go , flinging itself outward in a gesture of despair .
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