Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While we waited for the service to finish we amused ourselves rearranging the flowers on the graves .
2 It is entirely clear from the documents in front of us in the treaty that we are enabling ourselves to have the option to opt in .
3 On several later occasions we returned to the pool , and tried ourselves to attract the eels with rice from both above and beneath the water .
4 We have committed ourselves to increase the programme on school buildings by 16 per cent .
5 In 1832 , an English couple , the Pattisons , married for just one month , were drowned in it ; according to the local sub-prefect 's report , because Mr Pattison was amusing himself sounding the depth of the water with a pole and fell overboard , dragging his bride in after him .
6 CAPENHURST foreman John Albino found himself facing the cameras and some tough questions recently .
7 After three or four pages , he found himself wandering the streets or pacing anxiously through some park he did n't even recognize , twitching and murmuring strangely to himself while mothers , at the sight of him , drew their children to them and stole softly away across the grass .
8 He could have lied , but he usually found himself speaking the truth to Mrs Lorimer ; it was another reason for moving out .
9 While in 1920–1 Eliot admired both Edward Wadsworth 's drawings of industrial landscapes and Picasso 's primitivism , he found himself living the life of Thomson or of the city clerks he had read about in Conan Doyle , Davidson , Conrad , and elsewhere .
10 And so , for the second time in his life , Lawrence Beesley found himself leaving the Titanic just before it was due to go down .
11 The T'ang smiled , and Ben , watching , found himself comparing the man to his tutor , Peng Yu-wei .
12 When Jean-Claude took over the space for his piano , he found himself lugging the trunk into the light .
13 He went to the court where he found himself dubbed the plaintiff , paid a fee and a deposit for which he received a receipt .
14 Miller found himself playing the role of her doctor , manager , analyst and trouble-shooter with an increasingly frustrated , impatient and high-handed Olivier , who was having marital problems himself with the mentally troubled Vivien Leigh , who had just announced a miscarriage at the age of forty-one .
15 Athelstan found himself relishing the closeness .
16 He repeatedly found himself asking the question Who ? — and What ? — was he ?
17 He was seeing the evidence left by America 's policy of intervention , and , having just been told of Churchill 's agreement to Roosevelt 's demand for bases rights in Trinidad , found himself posing the question ; ‘ if Haiti 's isolation , poverty and tyranny after independence represented one lesson to West Indian colonials ’ , did it also pose another , … ‘ that West Indian colonials were destined to graduate from European colonialism to American ? ’
18 He even found himself liking the gunman in an abstract way , despite Gomez 's future role as his executioner .
19 To his own horror , Hugo , the lifelong Socialist , found himself blaming the boy 's peasant stock .
20 Secretly , and with some self-reproach , he found himself resenting the circumstances of this imposition .
21 he found himself crossing the square
22 At the age of 16 , alone in his uncle 's house in Madurai , he describes how a sudden terror of death overtook him , and he found himself dramatizing the occurrence of death .
23 Within twenty minutes he found himself minding the store , while Haynes slipped out ‘ for a few minutes ’ .
24 They survived and flew home , and Peacock found himself savouring the memory .
25 The landlord found himself returning the smile with a grin of his own .
26 And it was after a pre-lunch 76 here that first time Scot , Chris Cowan , found himself heading the charge for a top qualifying place .
27 He found himself following the line of marks left in the carpet by the sharp heels of her shoes , caught himself watching the alternate bracing of her calf muscles as she moved to and fro .
28 He found himself avoiding the street in which Francesca lived as he drove for North Kensington , calling ahead on his car phone to make sure that the forensic team was still there .
29 Launching himself form the top of a massive 300 foot crane , Nigel plunged towards the ground at high speed with only a bungee ( a strong rope made of rubber encased by a purpose-designed braiding ) stopping him from eating his words .
30 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
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