Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [verb] [num ord] to " in BNC.

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1 The account in fact came from John Varnom , who was delighted to find himself placed next to Bell at a dinner party , and spent the entire evening commuting between the table and the lavatory , furiously jotting down the overheard anecdotes .
2 He went to a local pub in the mining village where he was staying to drown his sorrows and found himself sitting next to a stranger who remarked on his dejected demeanour .
3 An hour later Dexter found himself sitting next to Blanche on a settle in a pub near Scotland Yard with Detective Inspector Eddy Russell of the Drugs Squad perched on a stool on the opposite side of the Formica table .
4 She arrived promptly in the Green Drawing Room for pre-lunch drinks and then found herself seated next to Prince Andrew , who was on leave from his Royal Navy flying duties .
5 Everyone murmured awkward disclaimers except Alexandra , who , seething with embarrassment , now found herself seated next to Matthew .
6 Juliet found herself squeezed next to Dr Kent , and was acutely aware of the pressure of his body , and his faint aroma of spearmint and Savlon .
7 On the plane she found herself sitting next to the Knitting correspondent of a women 's magazine who was on the same press jaunt .
8 ( I found myself living next to the University of Kuwait , instead of the University of Bristol , for the majority of my enforced stay in the Middle East . )
9 A year or so back I found myself sitting next to him , bearded in his old age and wearing plus fours , overall resembling a successful if slightly barmy countryman , at a ghastly new play at the Almeida .
10 I found myself standing next to Ronnie Wood , John 's ex-girlfriend .
11 ‘ We never find ourselves sitting next to another director at lunch , which I think is an admirable arrangement .
12 The only hazard might be the person who you find yourself seated next to .
13 It was Baptiste , walking across the clearing and lowering himself to sit next to her .
14 He apparently promised that attendees at next year 's meeting would find themselves sitting next to representatives from DEC , HP , IBM and other Open Software Foundation partners .
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