Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd 've been lying on Spanish beaches with her eyes tight shut knowing that every Spanish boy who passed would fancy her .
2 ‘ Therefore , Labour will be back in strength in the next election , and in the meantime , will be tiny of the performance of the council which has been elected on this occasion . ’
3 So erm can you tell us what proportion of the work erm had been completed before prices were fixed erm for those packages that have been an and also what proportion of the work has been completed on those packages yet to be priced .
4 Chairman , can I say briefly that the merger and I 'm quite pleased that we 've finally er there is a death knell to this this awful word , it 's been bandied on for far too long , it 's been perhaps the single most controversial issue that has been debated by this authority along with some other mediocre issues and no one here would not admit er to the fact that it has been opposed on such massive scale and even today we 've had a further petition of three hundred and ninety five people opposing er this this this dreadful merger decision that was hanging over the er the the two centres and I 'm pleased that er this this er amendment , this er er erm this petition was brought forward today because it does indicate the continuing support and opposition to er the the kind of things that we should be doing and and those that we should n't .
5 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
6 The debate has been characterised by deep-seated differences of opinion , but it has been recognised on both sides of the House that the British coal industry faces formidable challenges .
7 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
8 The Upton park and ride has been built on zoo-owned ground at a cost of £1m and will eventually have 750 spaces .
9 This is the highest point of the Floriade , while the lowest is some 4.5m below sea level because the whole festival has been built on reclaimed land .
10 Much has been written on this , and it need not be repeated here .
11 Much has been written on this from a range of perspectives .
12 Indeed , the whole point of the local sign theory , as an alternative to the ‘ place pure and simple ’ account has been lost on some psychologists .
13 It has been stated on high authority that article 10 is in effect the same as the English common law .
14 He has been bailed on several sureties and appears in court tomorrow . ’
15 Further consideration is recommended on the subject of removing tax disadvantages that arise on disincorporation , a problem that has been highlighted on several previous occasions .
16 While the concept of headship has been criticized on empirical and political grounds , see for example Murphy ( forthcoming ) , it is necessary to use it here because it is the familiar way of presenting data and also because many data from earlier years are available only in this form .
17 The first limb is universally accepted as legitimate ; the second , though having the merit of expanding the scope of the Convention , has been criticized on various grounds .
18 The allocation of structural funds in southern Europe has been criticized on numerous occasions as causing environmental damage [ see EDs 56 ; 70 ] .
19 However their interpretation has been criticized on several counts which show that ‘ the family-firm analogy is misleading and generally overworked ; its character is usually symbolic or ideological rather than descriptive ’ ( Fruin 1980 p.432 ) .
20 Many of those that use alien plants have more than one food plant ( that is , are polyphagous ) ; the cabbage moth has been recorded on 31 different species of plants including 21 aliens .
21 This species has been recorded on both sides of the North Atlantic and from Arctic Seas ; in the east it has been recorded from the Kara Sea south to the Faeroe Channel and in the west from the Davis Strait south to off Maryland , with a bathymetric range of 50–2727 m .
22 We 've had fantastic support , as has been recorded on this programme many times before , and that is still growing .
23 has been indicted on twelve counts of racketeering , and offering bribes to elected officials to advance the interests of his clients , one of whom was G Tec .
24 Some of his biology is not too sound ; his statement that the gulls of the northern hemisphere may be exceptional — ‘ In the majority of species such gradual variation is not seen , and all the members are equally interfertile ’ — seems based on a plentiful lack of knowledge of the work that has been done on geographical variation in many groups of animals , including birds .
25 Yet little systematic work has been done on such alternative formats , nor on the religious symbols employed by them .
26 There is , admittedly , a long tradition both in linguistics and in literary studies of analysing the works of individual writers , particularly literary writers , but relatively little work has been done on such areas of text studies as the conventions of non-literary writing within a community or the preferred patterns of organization in different types of discourse .
27 It has been extensively investigated for large mammals ( Brain , 1958 , 1974 , 1981 ; Voorhies , 1969 ; Sutcliff , 1970 ; Behrensmeyer , 1975 ; Klein , 1975 ; Hill , 1975 ; Shipman , 1977 , 1983a ; Behrensmeyer & Hill , 1980 ; Binford , 1981 ) , but little work has been done on small mammals .
28 Experimental work has been done on other human joints but there is nothing which tells us about , for example , the impedance of the wrist .
29 This research aims to study the amount , patterns , and causes of the geographical mobility of population within Scotland during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and to compare the findings with work which has been done on other European countries , particularly England .
30 Extensive numerical work has been done on turbulent flows .
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