Example sentences of "[verb] [is] [Wh adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Note that what matters is when a gene affects survival and fertility , not when it is expressed ; for example , a gene which is expressed early in the development of the heart might increase the chance of heart disease much later in life . )
2 What matters is how the screen is used in a given application .
3 If an order for costs or additional costs is required to be made , the time for applying is when an application is made for payment out of court .
4 What we have not yet considered is where the body clock is and how it is adjusted by external time-cues .
5 The signal to pump is when the back of the board is being lifted by a wave .
6 The question nobody seems able or willing to answer is when the ground attack may come .
7 Another situation where the obligation will be imposed is where a person discusses his ideas with business organizations with a view to the commercial exploitation of those ideas ; for example , if a computer analyst has an idea for a new computer system and discusses that idea with software houses interested in developing and marketing the system .
8 The most common type of situation where this will occur is where the buyer uses his credit card to buy an item costing over £100 .
9 One situation commonly overlooked is where the vendor and directors of the vendor or the directors of the vendor 's parent company accept restrictions .
10 Mrs Lynch added : ‘ What I can not understand is why the bag was not checked at the mortuary or the police station ? ’
11 If one is curious about where the modern is in Berlin , the place to look is where the state is n't .
12 The situation to be avoided is where the buyer digs his heels in on principle , because of the attitude of the salesperson .
13 The only category in which that will not apply is when a student is living with or married to someone who is not a student .
14 Yeah , but what I 'm saying is that , yeah , but what I 'm saying is when the parent comes to you and says well the primary school said they were you can say well well yes but by by our standards and our assessment when they arrived here
15 The first thing to decide is where the downpipe is going to be .
16 The question to be asked is how the popularity of the final proposals is to be tested .
17 A conclusion which emerges clearly in the account that follows is how the addition of fresh elements can dilute the purity of the original concept , sometimes leading to unexpected results .
18 What remains puzzling is why the book should have been notorious at all .
19 But one thing that the introduction of the original version should have highlighted is how a break-up and subsequent reconstruction of the text is possible in the first place .
20 More difficult to explain is how the heat release from the thermohaline circulation ( down wind of North America ) contributed to the North American ice-sheet collapse .
21 The only time a board memorandum might be contemplated is where the Information Memorandum includes forward projections ( typically seeking US buyers ) and we ask for a letter of representation ( see 1103.4 ) .
22 Once it is conceded that there are grounds other than eugenic ones for a separate offence of incest , then the question which inevitably arises is why the crime should be confined to sexual intercourse .
23 Although the Advertising Standards Authority recommends that advertisements should carry a note stating that prices are subject to change , the only time advertisers have to stick to prices as published is when the product is a special offer .
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