Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A COVENTRY schoolgirl who helped form a theatre company at the age of 14 and took a play to Russia on a 10-day tour two years later could soon be working at the National Theatre .
2 Lifelong friend Stan Cardwell said that when youth hostels were first set up in 1930s , Mr Lear helped form a Darlington branch and often used the hostels in his cross country expeditions .
3 A COMPANY owned by the Ministry of Defence helped build a weapons facility in Iraq which could be used to support Exocet missiles , the Scott arms-to-Iraq inquiry heard yesterday .
4 Youngsters will be able to help make a butterfly mural , models , kites and a butterfly theatre .
5 Youngsters will be able to help make a butterfly mural , models , kites and a butterfly theatre .
6 ENVIRONMENTALISTS are teaming up to help preserve a Darlington wildlife spot .
7 Other stars have donated items for auction to help buy a dialysis machine for their local hospital , but Elton 's gift was a surprise .
8 Anyone wishing to make a contribution to help buy a baby alarm can send donations to the Royal Surrey Hospital .
9 It is hoped that the first year 's crop of students will stay on at Hooke Park to help initiate a production plant there .
10 In fact , such is the power of ‘ stacking ’ that these kites helped win a world sailing record .
11 Indeed , some of the worst cases have been associated with autocratic and corrupt governments like the Shah 's Iran or Marcos ' Philippines , where capital flight helped precipitate a debt crisis .
12 Workers ’ Revolutionary Party , helped run a hand-out sheet called Arise ; that sort of thing . ’
13 But , more importantly at the time , he brought in Amstrad chief Sugar to help thwart a take-over bid by newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell and save the club from possible bankruptcy .
14 This would include annual advances ( although not as large as in the previous situation ) , access to a recording studio for making demos , and involvement with the publisher 's various contacts in the music industry to help secure a record deal .
15 Payton has copied Stuart Ripley 's pre-match warm-up routine to help cure a hamstring problem .
16 Atkinson is relying on a revolutionary machine to help cure a stomach strain .
17 FET has been instrumental in blocking experimental release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment ; has helped halt a BioWar facility in Utah : and has fought successful court battles with the US Department of Agriculture , the National Institute of Health , the Environmental Protection Agency and the Defence Department .
18 The new government advisory agency , Scottish Natural Heritage , recently invited me to help judge a painting competition for schools .
19 Former Shelbourne striker Gill has hammered in five goals to help end a Cliftonville famine since moving north last month — eight in partnership with former Glentoran Cup veteran Ron Manley .
20 The hospice is seeking more collectors than usual to give an hour or two of their time on those days to help raise a record amount .
21 But he maintained the government would not be providing extra money for SSDs to help establish a provision system for these young people , who are technically still children .
22 The two were back together yesterday to help receive a £1,000 charity cheque presented to the Middlesbrough and Stockton branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind .
23 We prevailed on him to ensure the appeal was heard in public , and worked through Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link to help form a Campaign Consortium to prepare evidence to present to the inquiry .
24 ARTHUR and Kathleen Lea , of Manfield , near Darlington , gave up £1,000 worth of golden wedding anniversary presents by asking friends and relatives to donate money to help sponsor a guide dog instead .
25 It had been a debate in the House of Lords on juvenile delinquency , a subject on which His Lordship considered himself an expert since he had , indubitably , once been a boy and had , briefly , helped organise a youth club on his grandfather 's estate .
26 If player A follows the strategy suggested above we can deduce that B t 's beliefs on A's type continue to be described by a normal distribution , because the B t 's will face a signal extraction problem when they are forming their expectations of z .
27 So they got in on the scene and I seen young men that was walking the streets that had nowt to do put a football kit on with G M B written across the front turn out and become super human beings , you never seen nowt like it , they were so pleased to associate with like something like that .
28 So , if you do want a pendant light , fit it close to the window to ensure privacy .
29 cook my dinner , ooh he did deliver a bacon casserole , mm , it 's hot is n't it ?
30 ‘ You do treat a girl swell , Joe .
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