Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] down in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do we really want to go down in history as the generation which sold for a mess of pottage the finest British companies , which have successfully built brand names and franchises of high repute over a century or more … ?
2 I do n't want to go down in history as a great songwriter because I died penniless .
3 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
4 Is this how you want to go down in history ?
5 The candidate who took third place in the first round , however , Manandafy Rakotonirina , was expected to stand down in favour of Zafy .
6 What you do not want to be told is erm sorry you 've got to come down in person to our offices , they 're in Southend by the way , erm please bring along your passport certificate , D N A chart , and chit signed by erm the spiritual leaders of at least three merger major world religions .
7 East Germany 's workers ' militias , which have 400,000 members , are standing by all over the country to help to clamp down in case of trouble .
8 He walked up and down the track , waiting impatiently ; he had made his mind up , he was going to lie down in front of the train .
9 Are you going to lie down in front of the bulldozers ?
10 Outside their refuge the rain began to come down in earnest .
11 Each new academic year , the media presents a pretty accurate picture of the accommodation crisis , with students having to doss down in seminar rooms while hundreds of unhoused students search for a more suitable base .
12 There was an in Swindon have managed to get the work delayed by threatening to lie down in front of bulldozers .
13 When all this has been said , it is still very difficult to see how the Divisional Court in R. v. LTE ex parte GLC managed to come down in favour of the GLC in the face of the unanimous decision of the Law Lords .
14 But when we got back we had to lie down in front of the video for a bit .
15 They gave me a drug which I had to swill down in water .
16 Jan. 24 Siyad Barre hands over power to new 25-member government formed by Arteh , and offers to step down in exchange for a ceasefire .
17 The boat hull and light aluminium masks and white roller jibs have to come down in tone to a light grey , and the varnished wood spars have to be darker ochre than those at the top .
18 He wanted to lie down in front of the fire and go to sleep for a long , long time .
19 Gulliver wanted to step down in August because of business commitments but was asked to carry on by chairman Wallace Mercer until the club had made a decision about a new stadium .
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