Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] me [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A youth tried to sell me a Socialist Worker and seemed confused when I told him that in my experience the words were diametrically opposed .
2 Koo Stark was out there in the powder room and seemed to identify with my predicament ; indeed she promised to procure me a long thin-necked vessel and return .
3 It 's my party cos I 'm gon na stand at the door and everybody has to give me a big french kiss when they come in the door !
4 ‘ And if you want to do me a real favour , stop saying yes , for Christ 's sake . ’
5 He promised to send me a fucking picture postcard .
6 He promised to bring me a few notes from which I could prepare a draft but he never did . ’
7 She came to see me the first night I was home , and we sat on the verandah , rather tongue-tied after such a long time , saying stupid things like : " Did you have a good trip ? "
8 He came to see me the other evening .
9 Pye eventually agreed to lease me a small factory in Watford , in which I set up my new company .
10 How would you like to buy me a black cashmere sweater ?
11 ‘ Well , Father 's promised to buy me a small practice when I 'm qualified , which will be in a few months .
12 Now I am going to ask you a simple question and you are going to give me a simple answer . ’
13 ‘ One of these days you 're going to give me a straight answer to a straight question , ’ she explained , ‘ and the roof will fall in . ’
14 I sure hope you 're not going to give me a hard time after I just travelled three thousand miles to see you , ’ Donna said , her eyes crinkling as she gave Alex another bear hug .
15 ‘ For a moment then I thought you were going to give me a different name .
16 ‘ Are you going to give me the macho caveman act ?
17 He has just offered to give me a good rogering .
18 ’ Would you like to give me a nice treat ? ’
19 Rob morning Twenty one minutes to six the time , if you 'd like to give me an early ring , then it 's .
20 There were three words in the do n't ring yet there were three words in the title I 'll give you two you have got to give me the last one .
21 We only have an A4 scanner but if somebody would like to send me the relevant pages from the Torygraph I will have a go , the address is coming up at the end of the progrmme .
22 He then accepted this and he told me he was going to pay me the other £2,500 in Turkey in Turkish money . ’
23 ‘ Do n't hesitate to offer me a large drink ! ’ she squeaks , as she climbs out of her car one sultry afternoon , and they all emerge from the house , astonished , Howard and the boys stripped to the waist .
24 Some of you from that part of the world will know that it 's a wonderful little shop , in fact it 's a gold mine and Jacqui 's going to tell me a little bit about her recipe for running that shop .
25 PAMELA : Sir , I am so well satisfied with Mr. Belville 's affection for me and his well-known honour that I can not think myself obliged to any gentleman who should endeavour to give me a less opinion of either .
26 Now if you say it in an ex , in a , in a do you want to give me a few examples ?
27 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
28 Neither could I conceal that although I wrote to my parents once a week ( a school rule ) they scarcely ever wrote to me , and failed to send me the necessary supplies of toothpaste , stockings , etc. , so that I was always having to borrow from other girls ( strictly against the rules ) and getting into trouble as a result .
29 So I think you 'll have to buy me a new one .
30 ‘ Well , you 'll have to give me a few minutes to get myself ready .
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