Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 When Dr Williams 's library opened he presented himself and asked to see the manuscript of Crabb Robinson 's monumental Diary .
2 She asked to see the daughter of the house .
3 In explicating this model , managers tend to emphasise the goodness of relationships such as one would find in a happy family .
4 And we did not want to miss the opportunity of having such a wonderful day , complete with the white wedding car .
5 I do n't want to miss the start of the big picture . ’
6 Undoubtedly there is a need to continue to emphasise the importance of change in an area where exhaustion of general practitioners is clear .
7 The satisfaction of belonging to a worthwhile organisation and helping to promote the development of Medau work
8 CFCs tend to inhibit the flow of infra-red radiation through the atmosphere ; and they help to catalyze the breakdown of the ozone layer .
9 Nevertheless , two factors tend to inhibit the use of private certification in many areas of health and safety .
10 The contributors , Roman Catholic priests and TM teachers among them , sought to harmonise the teaching of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with their own views of Christianity .
11 The researchers intend to monitor the progress of cases through the various legal stages .
12 The standards that are developed to support the authenticity of a piece of information as an ‘ official record ’ require organizational commitment and formal recognition .
13 The Department was intended to promote the study of industrial design for textiles , pottery , etc. , and Cole campaigned against over-elaborate and inappropriate representational decoration on such things .
14 They are intended to promote the primacy of schools at the expense of teacher education institutions .
15 We do not want to carry the image of middle age in other people 's eyes , nor do we wish to think of ourselves as getting old .
16 As all three painters also taught , the project developed to include the idea of classes and workshops which would be ‘ intensive ’ and ‘ serious ’ .
17 It is quite common in an import or export sale for the seller to agree to arrange the carriage of the goods by ship to the buyer and also to arrange for their insurance en route .
18 Still less is it intended to mirror the expectation of life of the deceased or his dependants .
19 Following the publication in 1971 , of the Bolton Report , many schemes have been developed to promote the growth of small firms .
20 Application of human recombinant bFGF ( 1–100 µg/kg/hour subcutaneously ) failed to affect the formation of acute gastric lesions induced by 100% ethanol and acidified aspirin but reduced the stress induced by gastric lesions .
21 These direct contacts with the people and with the maquis were intended to replicate the effect of his arrival in the capital , to demonstrate by his presence that the state had been restored .
22 She also sought to compare the impact of wife rape with the impact of rape by strangers and others , and found that 65 per cent .
23 Many grown-up people feel obliged by such considerations to continue to acknowledge the authority of their parents over them .
24 In his early months he sought to stimulate the interest of the Cambridge Board in the appointment of resident tutors to pioneer development in the eastern counties of the District .
25 Impetus is again needed , particularly in a story ballet , when it has to be given to emphasise the significance of a step .
26 It was an opportune moment to return because the citizens of Aberdeen had embarked on a series of ambitious street improvements at the same time as the technology had developed to enable the exploitation of the plentiful local granite for building purposes .
27 Literaturnaya Gazeta applied to interview the head of the department in charge of Armenian rebuilding in the Soviet Ministry of Building in Moscow , but he refused .
28 In their enthusiasm to criticize economistic assumptions concerning utility , both works tend to overstress the autonomy of the features they assert .
29 The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy has been formed to promote the development of evolutionary and institutional economics within the European arena .
30 Surprisingly it does devalue the works for collectors and museums who will want to see the back of the picture .
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