Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
2 Organisations tend to emphasise the benefits of policies rather than their costs , looking at the objectives to be achieved rather than the resources available .
3 Such corporations tend to usurp the functions of local elected authorities which are simultaneously subjected to greater central control .
4 ‘ Basic computer keyboard skills have to be there — we would n't want to go the lengths of having to train them on that — but training on our specialist software means bringing them in for a week and we 'll probably bring them in every three months to keep updating them . ’
5 They are well placed to see the changes of behaviour that may indicate abuse , as well as to observe any physical evidence .
6 To help clarify some of these issues , a single experimental study was undertaken to compare the effects of dietary calcium and 70% small bowel resection on experimental colonic tumourigenesis and crypt cell proliferation in the terminal ileum , caecum , and distal colon , thereby permitting multivariate statistical analysis to determine independently significant and interacting factors influencing mucosal proliferation .
7 This information , based on the official records of Returning Officers , will initially be compiled for the 1981 elections and then expanded to include the results of those contests due in May 1985 .
8 You tend to lose the origins of it , but it 's a shame to let it go altogether .
9 ‘ You tend to lose the origins of it ’ , was what Anne Smith said about Bellerby Feast , but the observation could apply equally to a number of events whose origins are lost in the ‘ mists of time ’ .
10 They ranged from a tiny mouse , with lifelike whiskers and a twitchy nose , to a metre-high Pied Piper , whose grin was so wickedly triumphant that she almost expected to see the children of Hamlin following behind .
11 The polls show that about 70 per cent of American troops do not want to risk the lives of American troops to achieve such goals .
12 The Judicial Statistics figures tend to confirm the conclusions of the Winn Committee , which reported in 19689 that ‘ … of all personal injury claims asserted about 20–25 per cent .
13 The movement towards caveat venditor , at least in consumer sales , was confirmed by the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 which sought to implement the recommendations of the Law Commission Report No 160 on Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) .
14 Clearly intended to curb the activities of nationalist guerrilla groups operating in the Transcaucasian and Central Asian republics ( particularly Armenia ) , the decree appeared designed for use equally to prevent militia units being formed in the Baltic republics as an alternative to the Soviet police and armed forces .
15 Electronic devices are being developed to monitor the mileages of vehicles .
16 She has to look for new friends amongst the ranks of the unattached like herself ; and until she has recovered sufficiently to become interested in organising her social life to the best advantage , her opportunities to continue to enjoy the pleasures of mixed company may be very limited .
17 The newly enthroned Tsar Nicholas I moved troops up to the Turkish frontier and forced the sultan to sign the Convention of Akkerman ( October 1826 ) , by which the Turks agreed to implement the clauses of the Treaty of Bucharest which recognised the rights of the Romanians and Serbs .
18 SEPA is intended to implement the requirements of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and will assume responsibility for pollution of water , land and air — now the duties of river boards , local authorities and Her Majesty 's Industrial Pollution Inspectorate .
19 Her mother Diana , who five months later set up the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to publicise the dangers of women working alone , fears the worst .
20 It was assumed that spoken forms which failed to observe the rules of morphology and syntax considered appropriate to written forms were ‘ incorrect ’ and ‘ ungrammatical ’ .
21 The relief sought is an order of certiorari , and the principal ground on which relief is sought is that in relation to Winchester the board of Lautro had on 30 October failed to observe the rules of natural justice .
22 Hence , it is argued , the technology was developed to meet the requirements of large-scale factory production rather than of small-scale craft producers operating out of their own cottages .
23 While Marglin emphasises the way in which technology has been developed to meet the requirements of large-scale factory production , Braverman suggests that technological developments are also shaped by management 's desire to split conception from execution .
24 The problem has arisen in the social sciences because classical statistics were originally developed to meet the requirements of the natural sciences and reflect a deductive style of hypothesis development which is not suitable for exploring dirty data in the context of amorphous and incomplete theories .
25 Ten qualifications in excavation and reinstatement on the roads have been developed to meet the needs of the new Roads and Street Works 1991 Act .
26 The programme is run by industry training specialists Progressive Training , and the concept will be further developed to meet the needs of members in the future .
27 In primary schools for example , whilst the girls tend to know the names of everyone in the class , the boys know the names of the boys only .
28 We do not want to diminish the opportunities of local people to consult on the plans , and I do not believe that we have cut corners in the way that the hon. Gentleman implied .
29 The years 1794–1806 were something of a honeymoon for the Prussians and their Poles : a spirit of co-operation flourished as the Prussians sought to secure the affections of their Polish subjects .
30 That immigration remains a potent moulding force was evident in the outburst of racism in the Tory camp , and in the way that the respective manifestos sought to meet the requests of particular ethnic communities .
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