Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 So they will continue to arise , but I think that it is right to plan to accommodate the ones that you know about .
2 In the end there was long and controversial litigation , which nevertheless failed to establish the rights that Kagan sought .
3 The children could not keep away from the railway , and they soon got to know the trains that passed by .
4 Many writs are already framed and well recognized to meet the cases that usually arise ; you can have them for the asking , if you pay the fee .
5 It may need more general contextual information to discriminate between words , yet it has to provide the words that determine that context .
6 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
7 Therefore , the EC has sought to develop a policy designed to secure the benefits that arise from a competitive market , since as national barriers to inter-state competition are removed there is a danger that these can be replaced by privately erected barriers .
8 Concern for this issue has recently surfaced in studies that were indeed set up originally to try to isolate the factors that determine which among a selected sample of children are likely later in life to have a schizophrenic breakdown .
9 In describing the negotiations for Æthelred 's return from exile in 1014 , this says that the king was informed that no lord was dearer to them than their native lord , if he would govern them more justly ( rihtlicor ) than before , and that he then promised to remedy the things that they all hated .
10 This in turn has led clinicians to try to identify the factors that might be responsible for poor clinical results .
11 Alison complained of the constant temptation she undergoes to buy the clothes that are picked for Betty Boo .
12 Unfit scrappers with a weight difference of a couple of stone can slug it out for as long as the organizers see fit and the sport can accommodate fighters who might have been barred from the more formal ring or people who want to avoid the cartels that run the official game .
13 Before the first Non-Aligned Summit in Belgrade , the Soviet media tried to persuade the Yugoslavs that the Warsaw Pact member countries ‘ have no military , naval or air bases in the territories of foreign states ’ , and that they ‘ exert constant efforts for the relaxation of international tension and the suppression of the hotbeds of military conflict created … by imperialist states ’ such as Suez .
14 It therefore seems directly consistent with the theory that candidates were forbidden to try to persuade the voters that they had better policies or attitudes than other candidates : a directive which had distinctive consequences for the pattern of the contest .
15 J.P.G. Freeman credits them with a " modest " influence when they helped to persuade the Americans that agreement with the USSR was dependent on the exclusion of West Germany from direct control over nuclear arms .
16 Yeah you see what I want to do the arrears that I 've got with him
17 Lastly , the researcher has to consider the effects that publication of the book may have on the community portrayed in it , and particularly on any individuals who may feature .
18 ‘ We want to try to model the economies that can be realised from downsizing by studying particular cases . ’
19 Authorities will need to analyse the services that need to be provided and ensure that they are in place .
20 They need to come to appreciate the changes that electricity has made to people 's lives .
21 For example , if a researcher wants to investigate the factors that influence pupils when they are choosing the subjects they wish to study at higher levels of education , then group discussions with , for example , fourteen-year-old pupils in almost any secondary school would give some ideas about what questions to include in a questionnaire .
22 The presence of teenager Kevin Thomas in the Hearts ' squad may be designed to supply the goals that tend to elude them at Broomfield .
23 But most of these can be regarded as experimental works designed to clarify the problems that Picasso was facing in his painting .
24 She stared blankly at the boys for a couple of seconds , then shook her head and tried to ignore the fears that crowded her .
25 The research will seek to clarify the influences that lead to this .
26 The day before we were going to fly we were putting the airplane together — it was a Sunday — and we found out that we had forgotten to make the flanges that held the tailpipe to the airplane .
27 I tried to make the noises that they made , and slowly I began to speak .
28 If physics is to be taken as the acme of scientific knowledge , then it would make sense to try to emulate the methods that physics uses to gain its knowledge , and where else could one go for this by way of a shortcut but to philosophy , the discipline that has been endlessly preoccupied with the foundations of human knowledge .
29 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
30 In addition , an analysis of strategic actions uncovered in existing competition policy cases in the UK , EC and US will be undertaken to highlight the problems that strategic behaviour poses .
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