Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And he added , ‘ This will be the first time Ah 've visited the country , but havin' read Prescott myself Ah do n't think Ah 'm goin' to like the Spaniards and what they and the mestizos have done to it . ’
2 The smell chemicals evaporate quickly and disappear without continual reinforcement , so the trail does not persist to mislead the ants once the food is exhausted .
3 Wood and damp treatment guarantees and any service agreements should be examined to see the conditions and exclusions .
4 From his point of view he had asked to go to see the gorillas and he had been told ‘ Yes ’ .
5 So they will continue to arise , but I think that it is right to plan to accommodate the ones that you know about .
6 In the end there was long and controversial litigation , which nevertheless failed to establish the rights that Kagan sought .
7 After abandoning an appeal against the decision , Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings .
8 He would want to know the ins and outs of it , to seek out the deep dark passages of her mind , the intricacies of her life as it had been before .
9 As a holder , a banker would want to know the terms and conditions of the carrier from whom he will be claiming the goods , especially since these terms and conditions often change from one bill of lading to the next .
10 Others may find this tedious , and may prefer to modify the methods or find other suggestions in some of the literature in the Bibliography .
11 The firm 's management approached us in the summer of 1980 , asking if we could find out ‘ what had happened ’ to their former employees , and agreed to provide the names and addresses of those who had lost their jobs .
12 If it was intended to provoke the Palestinians and the Muslims into armed conflict , it certainly succeeded .
13 I got to know the blobs and wiggles in that rough circle that looked like a sample from an oil slick , until I could draw them blindfold , and I began to visualize them inside me .
14 In February and March it was hard going out almost nightly but he liked it and Joan got to know the wives and children of the clergy .
15 The children could not keep away from the railway , and they soon got to know the trains that passed by .
16 Many writs are already framed and well recognized to meet the cases that usually arise ; you can have them for the asking , if you pay the fee .
17 Batteries will last longer because they will not need to drive the discs or maintain data when the mains current has been switched off .
18 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
19 Natural scientists are normally expected to acquire the skills and aptitudes necessary for research through learning the subject itself .
20 The consultant needs to see the relatives as well as the patient and take time to explain what the treatment is for , what its effects are and about the side-effects .
21 She was , she said , one of the last of the dinosaurs : born of Victorian parents when girls were expected to arrange the flowers and marry well .
22 If there is a drop in demand the informal outfit has to carry the risks and absorb the shock of fluctuations in the market .
23 Almost no-one wants to see the Tories or Labour do a deal with the Ulster Unionists .
24 And we want to know the hows and whys , the purposes of this project .
25 Not only do I want to know the story but I want to know the whys and wherefores .
26 As a new care assistant , by the end of the ten weeks , you would be expected to know the aims and objectives of the Home and your role within it .
27 It may need more general contextual information to discriminate between words , yet it has to provide the words that determine that context .
28 The schools are expected to provide the stimuli and security which will allow children to grow , develop and mature .
29 Three ‘ theories ’ or sets of assumptions concerning the determinants of teaching quality appear to inform the analyses and recommendations contained within these influential government reports .
30 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
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