Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] them in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thank you — I 'd prefer to see them in full sunlight , ’ Lucy said hastily , in case Silas imagined she was anxious to experience a moonlight stroll with him .
2 We pledge to continue to support them in that .
3 I tried to help them in other ways , too .
4 Sometimes at least they seem to have reported to Stockholm independently of the chief under whom they served ; and in the later years of the eighteenth century Gustavus III sometimes tried to use them in this way as agents of a secret personal diplomacy .
5 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
6 My legacy to my children would be not to try to influence them in any way as to what they should study .
7 Voluntary organisations took mainly ‘ first offenders ’ and tried to place them in domestic service .
8 Once a routine of breastfeeds is established the mother can then choose to eliminate them in gradual succession .
9 Lathes were introduced to China perhaps as early as the Ming dynasty and were still being used in the jade workshops of Peking when Howard Hansford came to study them in 1938–9 .
10 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
11 Once the Chairman has signed the minutes no one is empowered to alter them in any way .
12 Did you want to discuss them in private ?
13 Now I do n't want to embarrass them in any way .
14 He then has more chance of meeting females and is better equipped to overpower them in mating fights .
15 Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling .
16 And you 've got to put them in that framework …
17 It now seems more fruitful to many political scientists and sociologists to concentrate their analysis upon the political structure and processes of change within fairly well defined types of political system — tribal societies , city-states , bureaucratic empires and other imperial regimes , absolutist states , socialist or capitalist industrial states , and so on — without attempting to locate them in some all-embracing historical scheme .
18 By abolishing their organs of self-government , attempting to enrol them in secular educational institutions , and trying much harder than earlier legislators to force them out of the countryside into the towns , the Minister of State Properties intensified the subversion of Jewish communal life which had begun when community leaders had to make invidious choices about recruits for the army .
19 So he began to involve them in some of the decisionmaking about how their environment might be improved , their needs met .
20 Set against these points is the maintenance problem ; softwood doors need regular decoration to keep rot at bay , and even hardwoods require regular treatment with preservative and stain to keep them in good condition .
21 Although we have tried to express these scientific impulses fairly , we hereby give notice that we intend to question them in later chapters .
22 Most of her guests brought flowers when they came , knowing how she liked them , and how she loved to arrange them in tall glass vases on the kitchen table while people gathered around her , chatting in a tight excited crowd .
23 Do not attempt to organise them in any type of pattern other than under the major heading of asset or liability .
24 Having been knocked out of the Tennents Scottish Cup by the Rugby Park side and after failing to beat them in three previous league meetings , there was a distinct edge to Raith 's play on Saturday .
25 Try to meet them in non-political situations and when you do not want anything from them .
26 It is quite reasonable for someone to draw on specific groups and try to understand particular pieces of action , to use a wider theoretical framework in which to place these actions and try to understand them in this way .
27 " Dull for the telephone men , I 'm afraid , " I said , " but try to keep them in good heart .
28 I have noticed that when older people put out chairs in preparation for a church meeting they will tend to place them in straight rows and arrange them further back from the speaker .
29 Philips kept their ownership of the buildings and equipment used in the preparation and serving of the food , but made them available to ISS without charge ( while undertaking to maintain them in good order ) and Philips even paid for the electricity , water and telephone costs involved in the canteen operation and for the removal of waste .
30 Keeping braillers , typewriters and even magnifiers in their cases , or at least under covers when not in use , helps to maintain them in good condition , since dust and grime can cause damaged surfaces .
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