Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] by [art] end " in BNC.

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1 However , ministers failed to agree by the end of June on a complementary Convention on External Frontiers harmonizing immigration policy .
2 The working party is expected to report by the end of March 1993 .
3 A separate Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer when several changes are likely to be recommended .
4 A Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer .
5 A separate Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer when several changes are likely to be recommended .
6 Passenger numbers at Knock Airport , built near a Marian shrine four years ago , are expected to double by the end of 1989 .
7 The amount of high level radioactive waste kept at Sellafield Reprocessing plant is estimated to be 1200 meters cubed and the figure is expected to double by the end of the century .
8 Moreover , software is a fast-growing market — the entire European market is currently worth £27,000m , but this figure is expected to double by the end of 1995 .
9 Among the many reasons for this are , first , a belief that the spread of the secondary comprehensive school has led to a fall in standards or has failed to lead to the heralded improvement in quality ; and secondly , a raising of expectations , among politicians , parents , employers and young people , about what young people , in the light of growing youth unemployment , should be expected to achieve by the end of the period of compulsory education , especially in preparation for life , work and further/higher education .
10 Testing of prototype products with university , national laboratory and commercial customers is expected to begin by the end of the year .
11 On the joint initiative of France and West Germany , they also set in motion a process expected to lead by the end of 1990 to the holding of an intergovernmental conference on EC political union .
12 It was decided at the Brdo kod Kranja meeting to hold by the end of May a separate referendum in each republic except Slovenia , which had already voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] .
13 We 'd like to confirm by the end of this year which wards we 're targeting and how we 're targeting them , which range of erm measures that we 're going to undertake .
14 What these differences between the two halves of the brain might be telling us , we had no idea at the time — but some clues will begin to appear by the end of the next chapter .
15 They said it was going to get by the end of the weekend .
16 OnLine 6.0 is scheduled to ship by the end of year and will be available on Sun Microsystems Inc , IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sequent Computer Systems Inc systems .
17 OnLine 6.0 is scheduled to ship by the end of year and will be available on Sun Microsystems Inc , IBM , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sequent Computer Systems Inc platforms .
18 They were united in the implementation of sanctions against Iraq after the latter 's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 , but differing positions began to emerge by the end of the year [ see p. 37927 ; 37934 ] and the French government 's 11-hour attempt to avoid conflict was made without consultation with its EC counterparts [ see p. 37935 ] .
19 The current phase of SAPS work is scheduled to finish by the end of 1993 , and it would be inappropriate to discuss future proposals here , save that no major additional IT items are envisaged .
20 The adjacent 20 acre site is earmarked for another container terminal and is currently at the advanced planning stage with work scheduled to commence by the end of this year .
21 How do you personally hope to change by the end of the millennium ?
22 This finally freed Raybestos to begin production , which they expected to start by the end of the month .
23 In September the Council warned that wheat stocks held by the five biggest exporters — Argentina , Australia , Canada , the European Commodities and the USA , were set to fall by the end of the 1989-90 season to levels not seen since the food crisis of the mid-1970's .
24 Bills for an average household are set to double by the end of the decade and rocket to £345 by the year 2005 , says a report from the water watchdog Oftel .
25 MAJOR rebuilding work on a town leisure centre is set to begin by the end of next month .
26 The new ruling , which Advanced Micro plans to appeal , means that it will have to write new microcode for the Am486 chip that it has been sampling to a few potential customers and had hoped to ship by the end of the year .
27 Rushdie is working on a new novel , The Moor 's Last Sigh ( Cape ) , which he hopes to finish by the end of the year .
28 Donna must now fly ten hours solo to get her pilots licence — which she hopes to have by the end of the week .
29 However , under a series of major constitutional amendments introduced in April 1991 , all " senior parliamentarians " would be forced to retire by the end of the year [ see p. 38146 ] .
30 An alliance of northeastern domains led by Aizu had been forced to capitulate by the end of the year , and much of the country was little affected by the civil war .
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