Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] you to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now I said Mr Nichol I 'd to take you to that erm but the only thing is it 's after the so I do n't know how you feel if you 'd if you would rather see a performance before the exam , or you would rather see that one after the exam , or two .
2 Erm there 'll be seven lectures on this subject and that 's a fair number of course but it 's not enough to cover the full range of things that I 'd want normally to talk to you about and so what I 'm going to do is to aim to introduce you to some of the central concepts of foreign policy , of ways of analysing it , of the models that are used , the ideas erm er surrounding foreign policy and also to illustrate these with examples .
3 Right , we 're going to hold you to this .
4 It 's not as if ( shouting in anger ) as she says , black people are going to change you to bad .
5 I can hardly see that a mere frigate is going to inconvenience you to all that extent .
6 But of course if we 're going to do that we need somewhere to start and where we 're going to start is that I 'm going to ask you to each to make a presentation , a very short presentation .
7 ‘ No , I do n't want to put you to any bother . ’
8 ‘ You 've been so kind to me that I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
9 ‘ I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
10 ‘ I would n't want to put you to any more trouble .
11 I would n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
12 I 'd actually prefer to send you to that than go to it myself , because I think that would be a better use of time .
13 I would n't wish to put you to any trouble . ’
14 ‘ I 'll have to re-allocate you to another job soon , Chief Inspector , unless you can show some progress . ’
15 ‘ And , being the modern-day equivalent of Casanova , I decide to add you to this impressive circle of conquests ? ’
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