Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Analysts are forecasting that Zeneca will make taxable profits of about £500 million in the current year , with ICI expected to come in at around £250 million .
2 It is expected to come in at around or below the price of SunSoft 's Solaris x86 desktop system which is £600 — $800 .
3 On past experience , a 15 per cent devaluation could be expected to feed through at roughly 3 per cent a year for five years , and if this is repeated , it is still far too soon to say that inflationary expectations have been beaten out of the economy .
4 Inflation this year is now expected to be 3.5 per cent , with a similar figure next year , while unemployment is now expected to level off at about 3.1 million this year and next , reflecting the fact that companies have already shed labour faster than in previous cycles .
5 Boxing Day morning was grey and overcast but the rain promised to hold off at least until the evening .
6 The swinging leg has to touch down at exactly the right speed and lock straight in time to convert the kinetic energy into lift .
7 But Mansell is no less than thirty-nine seconds up on him , which means he has to make up at least a second a lap and preferably more .
8 And when the market does pick up again , you can expect to get back at least some of what you 've spent in the increased value of your property .
9 In contrast , Boro boss Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ I 'll be looking to bring in at least one signing before the next match . ’
10 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
11 You 've got to agree in at least
12 Problems can arise when all the major bills seem to come in at once .
13 He turned to look back at where the doorway to the stairs stood in the gloom .
14 In years to come Strachans contribution will grow as people begin to look back at where we ( Leeds ) were before he came , and where/what we are now after 4/5 years of his presence ?
15 You 're scheduled to go on at 10.30pm when coffee has been served .
16 Please note : the audience will be invited to participate in at least one of the madrigals featured during the workshop .
17 The development of LTP appears to proceed through at least two ( possibly three ) phases , with a brief initiation period followed by a longer-term maintenance phase , which have been seen as analogous to the transitions between short- and long-term memory .
18 ‘ We 'll have to go back at once . ’
19 She had attempted to clean up at least .
20 Now if you just press the return key a couple of times right , and have a lot of actual and fitted , if you go into option three in the data post depression menu you will notice that the fit of our model is very very different right , so we are now getting a very very good correspondence between actual and fitted , notice that in our original model the thing started to break down at about nineteen thirty , right , just by allowing the intercept to vary , right , over the wartime we 've now got a much better fit throughout the whole period why is that the case ?
21 He was a bit of a character — he 'd have to get up at about four o'clock in the morning to cycle to work , and during the war , he was hurtling along during a blackout when suddenly the road disappeared and he went careering into a bomb crater , about 50 feet wide and 40 feet deep .
22 You 'll have to stump up at least £2,500 for the bond and leave it invested for five years .
23 To do that , a buyer would have to stump up at least £8.5m .
24 In order to do that , a buyer would have to stump up at least £8.5m for the site .
25 Before the train stops every door is opened and all try to get out at once , with the result that not a few alight on their faces .
26 A number of smaller PC makers have been forced to pass on at least some of that increase to their customers .
27 Children need exercise too and should be encouraged to participate in at least one sport .
28 Children can be encouraged to look back at how they found particular pieces of information and to ask themselves whether this was done in the most efficient way .
29 Their debts are so large that they will be allowed to stumble on at least until the market shows signs of real improvement — maybe several years away .
30 He expected to take on at least another four by September and more once the village was fully operational .
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