Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Due to being hideosly shy and a little worse for the drink I did n't want to go up to some complete stranger and act like I knew him .
2 I do n't want to go out to much to the side there .
3 ‘ Do you want to go back to that place in Brittany again ?
4 I do n't want to go back to that . ’
5 Does my right hon. Friend mean that British industrialists do not want to go back to national plans , solemn and binding undertakings , high inflation , nationalisation , high taxation and trade union unrest ?
6 ‘ You do n't want to go back to Red Cottage ? ’
7 Davis agreed to go up to 200 guineas , and in the event secured the unseen yearling for a mere 160 guineas .
8 We 're only limited to go up to forty really are n't we ?
9 If the pH failed to come up to 5 after 20 minutes ( 1200 seconds ) , the acid clearance time was regarded to be 1200 seconds .
10 An exceptional shooting accessory that you 'll want to pass on to future generations .
11 We have brought pride back to Teesside and we want to go on to greater things . ’
12 To discover why Lindsey chose this particular aircraft from among many other types that were available , one has to go back to 1967 and Lindsey 's purchase of the ‘ Me 108 ’ .
13 All vehicles carry videotapes and illustrative material and are designed to accommodate up to sixteen girls working in pairs at eight work stations .
14 that a simple explanation for the explosion probably lies in the condenser , which cooled evaporating xylene as it left the reaction and was specially designed to accommodate up to 50 kg of deposited tetrachlorobenzene , without blocking .
15 The multi-processor machine , dubbed Corporate Computing Server , is expected to support up to 3,000 users , and represents a performance boost of up to 7% on HP 's top of the line 9000 Series 800 servers .
16 WHATEVER their politics , Poles expect to wait up to 20 years for a new telephone .
17 According to estimates by the Reserve Bank of India , GDP growth was expected to fall back to 5-6 per cent during 1989-90 .
18 No , she wants to go up to that playgroup !
19 This day boat is specially designed to carry up to eleven passengers , six of whom could be in wheelchairs .
20 Chris , if you want to come round to this
21 Now , I do n't really want to talk about the details of that now , I want to come back to that next term when I talk about incest .
22 Somebody has to stand up to these scum . ’
23 This approach thus represents an extension of the hierarchical system and can be considered to simplify down to such a system when each of the superior states are considered in turn .
24 The world recovery will be led by the United States , according to the IMF , where growth is expected to pick up to p.c. next year .
25 Open Forum is to be a conference-led event with both technical and business streams , designed to lead up to 1993 and the establishment of the single European market — and the Commission of the European Communities has been closely involved in its organisation , says Borkovsky , promising more details in the future .
26 So too has Mexico , where maquiladora enterprises are now permitted to sell up to 20 per cent locally under some conditions .
27 The collection had been expected to fetch up to eighty thousand pounds .
28 On the basis of the first computer projections after polling stations closed last night , the alliance of the neo-Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the centre-right Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) was expected to win up to 85 per cent of the 577 parliamentary seats with just 40 per cent of the votes .
29 The granule is dissolved in forty , thirty , twenty , fifteen or eight tablespoons of water with the addition of a little alcohol to preserve it ; 10% is a good guide for solutions designed to last up to two months .
30 The Sparc machines are expected to use up to 20 CPUs each and will start life as $150,000 to $200,000 boxes .
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