Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This can include walking to work or to the shops , jogging , skipping , swimming or dancing .
2 They do n't necessarily need to steal but like the excitement .
3 The Bank discusses regularly with each GEMM about the size of transactions in which it is committed to deal and about the risk exposure that it can accept .
4 It is what they want to learn and at the speed they want to learn it .
5 toilet , in Bon 's , in Dan 's loo at Bon 's party cos I 'm going round going oh no no no no I 'll give you a fiver for it I went I really do n't want to sell and in the end like I just said to him look just fuck off , you know cos like he was just persistent
6 I believe it can be made to work and with the background of the proposed Amendment and what b can be done by Parliament as a result of that , that can be a sensible way of proceeding .
7 This study primarily related to stress and to the use of alcohol and illicit drugs .
8 As the town began to grow and at the same time fragment in strange , squalid and unforeseen ways , the gardens became symbolic in a different fashion .
9 And what 's more , we want to see that ice rink filled because it 's the greatest family sporting entertainment you could ever wish to see and with the crowd behind you it gives you that extra buzz .
10 The Teessiders seemed to sense that the Rokermen were starting to wilt and in the 62nd minute it looked as though Middlesbrough had finally found a way through .
11 The jury under his Lordship 's direction found that the appellant had paid all the sums which by the agreement of December 21 , 1876 , he undertook to pay and within the times therein specified .
12 Despite some of the language problems he grew to know and like the black and white constables of the patrols to which he was attached ; and to be accepted by them as a trusted companion under fire .
13 Suppose , after all , that he had not gone to look and in the morning they had found her stiff and cold in her cot , her eyes glazed and unfocused , her lips blue ?
14 Minton went to apologise and by the end of his visit both he and Lindsay are said to have been very drunk and reconciled .
15 Walking or cycling to work or to the station instead of using the car , and exercising the dog regularly ( breathing deeply and keeping a good posture as we walk ) , are ways of incorporating exercise into the normal schedule .
16 After tricky negotiations between the two professors a judicious compromise was reached by which Heisenberg was allowed to pass but at the lowest level .
17 The initial allocation of system design responsibility was negotiated between the four aircraft companies , Deutsch Aerospace , British Aerospace , Carsa and Allenia and against the background of an M O U which said we must share the technology on this project between the four nations and in a particular way which ensures that each of the nations has got access to all the high technology aspects of the project er therefore the individual companies identified those areas of the project , were they felt they either could lead best or wish to lead and for the United Kingdom British Aerospace erm identified the avionics system integration as the major complex task that they would take responsibility for .
18 Poor passing gave Cardiff several reprieves , but something had to give and in the 15th minute , Julian Williams sent Lewis over from a five-yard scrum , Stephens adding the conversion .
19 Poor passing gave Cardiff several reprieves , but something had to give and in the 15th minute , Julian Williams sent Lewis over from a five-yard scrum , Stephens adding the conversion .
20 The authority of the United Nations is mentioned in the Queen 's Speech and the Foreign Secretary spoke of what we are trying to do and of the involvement of the United Nations in Yugoslavia .
21 Although the initiators had a reasonably clear idea of what they wished to achieve and of the means by which this might be pursued , the fine detail could only be thrashed out as the project proceeded .
22 A period when a killer volcano threatens to erupt and in the end does not is a non-event to subsequent generations .
23 That way , the conference gets off to a good start because people are raring to go and in the right frame of mind .
24 … a set of men who live by death and never care to appear but at the End of Man 's Life … their Business is to watch Death , and to furnish out the Funeral Solemnity , with as much pomp and feigned sorrow as the Heirs or Successors of the Deceased chose to purchase : They are a hard-hearted Generation , and require more money than Brains to conduct their Business ; I know no one Qualification peculiarly necessary to them , except that is a steady , demure and melancholy Countenance at Command : I do not know , that they take Apprentices in their Capacity as Undertakers , for they are generally Carpenters , or Herald-Painters besides ; and they only employ , as Journeymen , a set of Men whom they have picked up , possessed of a sober Countenance , and a solemn melancholy Face , whom they pay at so much a Jobb .
25 Soon afterwards one of the tourists attempted to escape and in the ensuing battle one Israeli and a guerrilla died .
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