Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb infin] at " in BNC.

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1 The next questionnaire is designed to help you look at your work and get clear in your head what you 're meant to be doing and how .
2 She tried to make him look at her .
3 The big boys tried to make me feel at home by taking me to the greasy spoon for a pie but what did I care for food as the table rang with drug quips and acerbic one-liners about Danielle Dax from Gavin Martin , James Brown and Danny Kelly .
4 The reader refuses to let it rest at that .
5 Now , are you prepared to let me look at your research programme or not ? ’
6 The charming gabled houses , the thousand bridges , the gently curving canals , the organ players , the bicycle riders , the street musicians , the brightly and cheerfully decorated tram cars , the flowers pots on barges and window ledges , the house boats and canal boats … all conspire to make you feel at home and welcome , in this colourful , fun loving city .
7 She did n't want to hear what he would say , did n't want to compound this foolishness with more folly , did n't want to hear him gloat at her easy capitulation .
8 My father has agreed to let me study at the university , so we shall be able to spend a lot of time together . ’
9 ‘ It tends to make you look at things from a whole new perspective , do n't you think ? ’
10 As none of the Company 's depôts was yet ready , they pleaded that they had nowhere to put them and after discussion , the Corporation agreed to let them remain at Thornton Heath until their own new cars arrived , provided that they were permitted to use them in service on their main line , to compensate for the mileage worked by Corporation cars in Penge .
11 Having made contact with a group of students at the nearby Architectural Association he went to see them play at the Goings On Club in Archer Street , a tiny place largely frequented by poets .
12 they wo n't , they wo n't , th they do n't intend to let it happen at all there
13 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
14 It fulfilled none of my expectations and seemed to be merely trying to make me laugh at the fact that it had left me standing there grasping at nothing .
15 Finally they told me where they had been and how they had been ushered into a sort of waiting room by the proprietress , who had endeavoured to make them feel at ease by offering them marrons glacés .
16 That 's why I was n't going to hand this out right at the beginning , because I wanted to make you work at it a bit more , er , then you can , when you 've got those two versions written underneath .
17 ‘ I suppose you 're planning to make me foam at the mouth and gabble in obsolete tongues . ’
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