Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 This week we are asking you to reintroduce to your diet foods containing yeast , including : marmite and other yeast extracts vinegars mushrooms Oxo , Knorr and other stock cubes pickled foods condiments or sauces e.g. pickle or chutney you will need to ensure you read the labels carefully when shopping , as many different types of food contain yeast or yeast extract .
2 ‘ Is The Pussy Still Good ’ recounts the familiar story of running into an old boyfriend who was a prick , but you still want to fuck him cause the sex was so great .
3 And he has to pray they do the business … starting tonight against Spartak .
4 Although they want to move they say the house is now virtually unsaleable .
5 Although they want to move they say the house is now virtually unsaleable .
6 Er , so do you you , at a civil service level , as you you are reasonably satisfied all is being done to guarantee we reach the production stage .
7 He dived , and swam , and turned to see her enter the water , neat as a needle , if inelegant .
8 While you are waiting to receive them prepare the flour and yeast mixture and the stock containers .
9 Erm and at the very worst I 've got you know an hour of recording from their meeting , and their going to let me record the next meeting they have as well .
10 I was going to let you have the rent as soon as we met again . ’
11 ‘ If you 're going to compete you remember the game is winners and losers .
12 All three flavourings have been produced to ensure they meet the standards for which Schwartz is famous .
13 That 's not so worrying , but I feel that I 've been successful in my own right and I would erm like to think I deserve the same recognition as we 've both set same standards over the last twelve months .
14 I was going to say I represent the tourist ind , industry in Grampian , and I do n't think anybody can deny that our royal are a tremendous draw to tourists , particularly tourists from overseas .
15 We 're going to make them fulfil the promises they made three years ago .
16 Well they did n't want to recognize I recognize the union you see and when , when everyone really knew what we should be having and what were paying , and of course erm it caused a bit of bitterness and resentment against those who would n't join , but er that , that 's what causes the trouble nowadays is n't it and it 's , it 's a sad thing really , but on the whole erm I 've enjoyed everyw everywhere I 've been .
17 As well as defining what you want and making a list of questions there are several additional steps you can take to ensure you get the best possible results from your appointment with a general practitioner .
18 It was touching to watch him cross the road to the crowds in Downing Street yesterday to talk quietly to them .
19 Let me just point out to you that last year if you remember they asked you to describe the the passage where Jesus is crucified , that 's 1521 to 31 and I guess they wo n't do that again this year , but they 're likely to pick on a significant passage , significant section then you 're asked to relate it relate the passage at the end of Mark 's Gospel where Jesus is crucified .
20 But perhaps more fittingly it might commemorate the slaves that died to win it form the Earth .
21 When they go to market you get the cheque in two or three days .
22 Boswell failed to have them meet the Earl : presumably the ‘ prosperous gentleman ’ was examining his water-lilies in Wales when they called .
23 We have tried to ensure they compliment the evidence being prepared by statutory objectors , including the Countryside Council for Wales and the National Rivers Authority .
24 This is the vet to me he goes your dog 's got brown teeth you got to brush it brush the teeth banged his tooth with the collar , he had a metal collar
25 She got out , and , after he had waited to see her enter the house , the car roared off into the night .
26 Nor was she unaware of the interest Matt and Silas took in her movements , having caught glances passing between them as they paused to watch her fold the table napkins round the knives and forks which were left in readiness to be picked up from the end of the table .
27 I have to emphasise I have the CHARACTERISTICS of train spotters , not a penchant for the hobby itself .
28 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
29 He asked if we wanted to watch him feed the birds .
30 I have to say I prefer the four hour cos I can get eight hours ' taping on mine .
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