Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [noun pl] about [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to hear complaints about service industries , the quality of garage maintenance is a regular target for consumer watchdogs and grousers .
2 By the end of adolescence he [ or she ] needs to make choices about career , life-style , personal relationships and ideologies .
3 Both Sun Microsystems Inc , due to announce systems based upon Viking on May 19th , and UK Sparc-builder ICL , which has already announced its Viking intentions ( UX No 371 ) , are expected to make statements about Viking availability on the 7th .
4 By substituting tar ( like a thick black oil ) for paint , he intends to prompt thoughts about tar as both preservative and something more sinister — a symbolic tarring and feathering of Britain 's homosexuals .
5 The Soviet Union is not normally a country to which most people would look to learn lessons about democracy — except negative ones .
6 This was largely interpreted to mean decisions about attendance at external courses , and was revealing , particularly in terms of the extent to which decisions were taken corporately or individually .
7 Some scholars and politicians opposed to the Supreme Court 's 1973 abortion decision now argue that the Constitution should be understood to leave decisions about abortion to the various states , so that some could permit abortion on demand , others prohibit it in all circumstances , and others adopt intermediate regimes .
8 I began to read pieces about separatism written by women who I did n't know .
9 As the season moved on , the Lotus continued to improve , but its engine remained unreliable and Mario began to have doubts about Lotus .
10 So you should try to minimize restrictions about diet and environment as much as possible .
11 Most studies which have attempted to establish laws about reaction time have assumed that stages ( a ) and ( c ) are relatively short and consider that effectively all the time is taken up by central processes .
12 Hence , accountants have been found to have attitudes about risk which are very cautious .
13 Following the successful launch of the Sainsbury 's Book of Children 's Cookery , the company sponsored a Today newspaper competition in which children were asked to answer questions about food and cooking .
14 The first of these is that while anthropology purports to say things about man and humanity at large , anthropological practice has fairly consistently been concentrated upon the study of " primitive " man rather than man as such .
15 I have been asked to make enquiries about property insurance for Nether Wyresdale Parish Council .
16 The principle of less eligibility has continued to influence decisions about relief until the present day .
17 He was going to write fiction , and to write fiction you had to gather facts about life : tales , emotions , relationships .
18 A woman who has access to this information can start to take decisions about motherhood and her own sexuality .
19 The assistant inclined his head diplomatically and when an American was heard to make enquiries about cashmere sweaters he stepped aside .
20 After all , they have experience of visiting local firms and training schemes and they are best placed to make judgements about quality .
21 I wanted to write books about psychiatry and the English do n't like that .
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