Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] the man " in BNC.

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1 A friend who tried to go to the man 's aid had to be held back .
2 Peter had n't been expected to work in the men 's outfitters , never had and never would .
3 This is not what I want to hear from the man who once shook me to the core with a string of incendiary albums .
4 He refuses to treat with the men of Bernicia , for Eadwine is a too deceitful leader .
5 My only thought at the time was to wipe out the memory of the ordeal you 'd been made to suffer by the man you thought you loved ! ’
6 A Northern registered car , believed to belong to the men , was discovered at Annagh , a few miles from the town .
7 A Northern registered car , believed to belong to the men , was discovered at Annagh , a few miles from the town .
8 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
9 Returning to the Rossiya and not daring to look at the men and women who stood and swayed beside him .
10 I 've got to wait for the man !
11 Now he was going to talk to the man himself .
12 She stretched with remembered delight , then turned to look at the man lying so quietly next to her .
13 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
14 At his first approach to man-machine conversation , the system analyst often tends to think of the man as originating each part : the man says something to the computer and the computer replies .
15 She turned to gaze at the man who 'd approached silently and stood a little behind her on her left .
16 I began to grapple with the man who was holding me .
17 Although Gordonstoun and Australia had an effect on his character , it was at Cambridge that he began to develop into the man he now is .
18 I thought : why do women always have to talk about the men they are interested in ?
19 In Roses — we find man , with his aspirations , his joys , his suffering and bitterness , his hopes and encounters , but everything appears fixed , fatal , everything seems to belong to the man 's destiny .
20 Now and again one would try to expostulate with the man in white but it was no good ; nobody was listening .
21 In one firm , the girls had practically been compelled to join with the men " .
22 As Charlotte started after her , it crossed her mind that this throw-away remark was the kindest thing Ursula had found to say about the man she had been married to for more than twenty years since the day they had found him dead .
23 Dersingham did not bother to look at the man .
24 He wondered aloud why they had not heard from the officer who had gone to check on the man seen with MacQuillan at the Black Friar .
25 Wickham recognized the type : willing enough to help but he must be allowed to go back to his friends with the news that his information was so valuable he had been allowed to talk to the man heading the inquiry , and if he could throw in a description of a place as exciting as a newspaper office so much to his credit .
26 But er I used to go I did n't eat with the men you were n't allowed to eat with the men you see , it was only the full men that sat round this table well
27 It had to be someone anonymous , but somebody who would be allowed to speak to the man if he was there , and someone who might conceivably be ringing on a Saturday night .
28 Observers sent to look for the men came under heavy fire , seriously injuring a French officer .
29 " I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting , but I had to finish with the man I had with me .
30 PC Crowe was then joined by a neighbour , Hamish Fulton , but the two were beaten back from trying to get to the man 's wife by thick black smoke .
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