Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] something about the " in BNC.

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1 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
2 ‘ Captain Maestrangelo , ’ he said , filling his pipe rapidly and efficiently , ‘ needs to know something about the family , everything about the family , in fact , and quickly . ’
3 He will , however , be expected to do something about the severe imbalances that are masked by the wonderful overall figures for economic growth .
4 And we tried to do something about the problem of alcoholism and prostitution in the area by getting the bars and brothels registered with the local government .
5 However before examining it I want to say something about the general response of community educators to the problems facing the working-class in N. Ireland .
6 Second I want to say a few words about the efforts that have been made in the last twelve months to increase the G M B's role in the building and civil engineering industries and third I want to say something about the present serious situation in the building industry pay talks .
7 In a car outside these youngsters seemed to know something about the vandalism .
8 " We came to do something about the record-player , " Sandra said brightly .
9 A teenager concerned about the plight of the homeless has decided to do something about the problem herself .
10 Secondly is evidence from sediments and materials , and the material comprising the river terrace could be used to infer something about the mode of deposition and the physical environment at the time .
11 Yes , er maybe I would n't have mentioned it , but er , well , that 's a story of one like dozens of people , congratulating us , that at long last we 're going to do something about the environment and protect it for the future of our children , and they consider it money well spent , and asking the question , why was n't it never done before .
12 We 've got to do something about the bomb before we start .
13 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
14 They will probably want to do something about the fat and other charnel substances floating in the water , as well .
15 ‘ But knowing the little person he is , he 'll want to do something about the problem he has because he knows it will help other children , too .
16 In another presidential address , this time to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues , Stotland ( 1977 ) spoke on the topic of ‘ white-collar criminals ’ and argued that although we were beginning to know something about the people who commit white-collar and corporate crime , we ought to intensify our efforts .
17 Then the government and the factory managers will have to do something about the dangers of your work . ’
18 He will also have to learn something about the administrative structure of his chosen place and how it has changed over time .
19 I often don't. erm and in some ways coming on a programme like this , or finding other ways to make your views be heard is erm I think very important in a way which me and my colleagues try to do something about the anger that we 're feeling .
20 Erm his name James Buchanan James Buchanan was asked to do something about the violations of the Fugitive Slave Law , this is the one that returned slaves back to their owners , erm and Buchanan said , I quote wisely limited and restrained as is the president 's power under our constitution , he alone can accomplish but little for good or for evil on such a momentous question .
21 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
22 A parents ' evening in late September or early October gives time for the class to settle and for the teacher to get to know something about the child .
23 Although the hot dog is making so much noise , I shall endeavour to say something about the structure in Wales .
24 As Labour 's spokesman on Northern Ireland , one might enquire whether he would not be better employed trying to do something about the vermin planting bombs in the Six Counties rather than those worrying sheep in the Home Counties .
25 He 's been trying to do something about the brambles and nettles . ’
26 Up the Empire ! ’ to a group of communist students from the UK gathered at the bar of his hotel , promises to do something about the ‘ blooming awful ’ state of Soviet plumbing and ends up making a deal with Stalin with the insouciance of George Formby addressing himself to Hitler .
27 No one disputes that the Tribune Company , publisher of the Chicago Tribune among other papers , had to do something about the decade-long trickle of losses at the Daily News , America 's oldest tabloid and New York 's largest-circulation newspaper .
28 If the ‘ normal ’ woman had no libido , our worthy surgeons had to do something about the clitoris .
29 Faye had said that of course she was welcome to browse through the large collection of beautiful books on painting and sculpture that filled an entire wall of bookshelves in the studio , and she had begun to learn something about the Renaissance , Impressionism , and modern Australian painting .
30 Before justifying our claim , however , we wish to say something about the main criticisms levelled at Realism .
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