Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] at this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be that Parliament has to look at this issue of excluding people from property when they 've got property rights , ’ he said .
2 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
3 That we 've actually voted to spend at this meeting
4 I assume Mr Grigson , as he has n't raised his board has said all he wants to say at this stage on the points that have been made .
5 Any comments please any thoughts on anything anybody wants to say at this point ?
6 I only want to speak at this juncture on the element of that which is due to lower mortality as I call it , I E deaths and this is addressed in paragraph five and in the table at the bottom which shows an effect of about two thousand er extra households , due to lower mortality rate assumptions in our projections .
7 They were exactly the sort you 'd expect to see at this kind of activity : mostly middle-aged or older Americans or Germans in running shoes , with a few earnest Guardian readers thrown in for local colour .
8 I only pause to observe at this stage that the decision , although obviously of great importance , was not concerned with the terms upon which interim relief in the form of an interlocutory injunction should be granted .
9 Suffice to state at this stage that banks are essential for the smooth handling of overseas trade and investment transactions .
10 The guests were never less than courteous to one another , but for all that , a rather tense atmosphere , characterized largely by distrust , seemed to prevail at this stage .
11 No , ’ the brief self-mocking laugh seemed to tear at this throat , ‘ I want far more than that .
12 We have therefore decided to withdraw at this time ’ .
13 Suffice to say at this stage that the relative importance of the flying line should never be underestimated .
14 The first opportunity I got to look at this stuff is on Sunday on the library
15 He decided that school was not somewhere he would like to go at this point because he looked pretty bad .
16 … or is it just another of those little habits ( much favoured by men ) that seem to flourish at this time of year .
17 I knew both of them very well from my Lincoln days and had agreed to lecture at this school .
18 Er today we 're going to look at this Policy E two , the op open countryside , and there are presented to you for the discussion three matters .
19 Okay and perhaps erm perhaps you 'd also like to l would you like to look at this side of things as well ?
20 Rottweilers seem to excel at this work .
21 Many relationships begin to fail at this stage , and are often allowed to do so by default because the difficulties of living through this stage of life are insufficiently understood .
22 McLeish glanced at the clock on Yeo 's desk and saw that he was running behind ti me , as tended to happen at this stage in an investigation when you needed to be in six places at once .
23 And I would like to say at this point I was very disappointed that we did n't have any other conservatives with us in the afternoon .
24 Blake was not averse to entering such places , but could think of a number of things he 'd prefer to do at this time .
25 You could treat the fish with ‘ dips ’ out of the pond , but all you can hope to do at this point is to control the spread of secondary infections , such as ulcers and fungus and bacterial infections .
26 Marguerite began to laugh at this challenge to Alain , and he fixed Jenna with derisive eyes .
27 Clearly , any reasonable number of players can have to go at this game , taking it in turns to bat and bowl .
28 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
29 Gwendolen started to scream at this hard-heartedness , but suddenly stopped again as Auguste rose to come to her aid .
30 A spokesman for Astra said he did not wish to comment at this stage .
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