Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
2 The hon. Gentleman will want to know that during the past two years personal social services standard spending will have increased by nearly 33 per cent .
3 Therefore , in looking at this diagram , one needs to realize that to the southwest er and just east of er Strensall erm the area is filled up by greenbelt .
4 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
5 In order to understand what you would see if you were watching a star collapse to form a black hole , one has to remember that in the theory of relativity there is no absolute time .
6 During those two years , I have also come to believe that with the help of two powerful tools we can turn people on to the quality process .
7 For example , Vivian de Sola Pinto ( a regular contributor to the Review during the 19305 ) had come to consider that in the post-war world liberally-educated persons , whether schoolmasters , civil servants , or business administrators should have the capacity to contribute to the revitalization of a " soulless bureaucracy " , and that the main object of English studies should therefore be " the provision of a truly liberal education " for such " non-specialists " .
8 Solicitors ' firms large and small have come to realise that at a time when competition is intense and growth is seen as essential in order to meet increased overheads and maintain profit levels ( let alone to increase them ) any policy which irrevocably rules out fundamental reorganisation of their practices is likely to prove short-sighted .
9 If the Timex worker wants to regard that as a right of reply to Neil 's speech , so be it .
10 Right , it 's forty five over sixty , you want to change that into a decimal , what do you do ?
11 You divide the top number by the bottom number , so , supposing you 've got fifty seven minutes and you want to change that into a decimal of an hour , what fraction of an hour is it ?
12 You want to check that on the calculator , see if that one works ?
13 And on the other hand , what are changes such that we want to say that at the end of the change there is just no me left there at all and I 've been replaced by something else .
14 I have not wavered in the slightest degree in my attitude to this war , nor have I changed my mind as to the need of a final and complete settlement , but I want to say that in a war in which losses of such terrible magnitude are being imposed on all the Nations it appears to me not only wise but imperative that every country should use its political weapon to supplement all its military organisation , if by so doing it can defeat the enemy .
15 But it 's n I still ca n't reconcile why it was kept secret cos surely this is a fundamental point cos it is because they ca n't openly declare that how that they are moving away from the United Front , but if they 're trying to show that they 're moving in line with the peasants ' demands surely they want to show that to the peasants an so there , there 's it 's more that how th the Party cadres have been acting out of step rather than them making it clear to the peasants .
16 And so it came to pass that on the third day we journeyed to Gstaad and skied .
17 It follows then that if a poor vein on a good tribute suddenly improved then the men working it would stand to profit well , though they might expect to find that on the next setting-day , the rate would almost certainly be reduced in the mine 's favour .
18 If the relationship between recall and other measures is entirely mediated by characteristics of the different junctions we would expect to find that within an individual junction there would be no consistent differences between those occasions when it was recalled and those when it was not recalled on any of the other variables .
19 I seemed to recall that in the past when we 'd met we 'd got on reasonably well , so I assumed that it must have been something that Jennifer had told you that had turned you against me , or , failing that , that you were just embarrassed at having to work with your sister 's ex-fiancé . ’
20 I came to believe that in the S.A.S. he had realised his ideal of chivalry in a contemporary setting ; and that with our marriage and my acceptance of his decision , the two halves of his nature had come together , and for him the enigma of character had been resolved .
21 In these schools and classrooms the more traditional approaches to teaching and learning were rejected , not because they were traditional but because their teachers came to realise that through a programme of learning which was based upon the qualities and gifts of each child , higher standards could be achieved .
22 At an extreme , such detailed localised studies can appear to demonstrate that during the early modern period no one outside a state-sanctioned minority of policy makers had , let alone acted on , an idea which had alternate social and political implications , rather than responded to , say , the price of corn in a specific market .
23 It already has a labour force there of 15,000 and plans to double that over the next year or two , investing around DM1 billion .
24 Their name suffices to show that unlike the FOP they have no ambition to occupy the middle ground , and their precise situation in West German politics remains uncertain .
25 For these reasons , Coffin is perhaps better seen as a case in which the Divisional Court , contrary to the evidence , concluded that the situation was such that a breach of the peace was likely , and that the officers were seeking to prevent that at the time when the assault took place .
26 In those days they did n't use mileometers , what they did was they took any particular route number and the number of journeys they did , because in those days a bus kept on a route which applied , say between Witton and Rushmere Heath all day , did n't run around like they do nowadays and erm when the schedules were prepared , each bus had got a route number or was placed on a route number , say one Witton , two Witton , three Witton and a copy of its schedule was recorded on another sheet and the mileage , having known what the mileage was and we 'd used to obtain that from the Borough Surveyor 's Department , er I think it was about nine point one four miles a return trip Witton and Rushmere Heath , er you 'd work out how many journeys they did there and say well that bus was due to run a hundred and twenty six miles during the day .
27 Having taken your bags of donated books from you at the church door last year , you may like to know that despite the awful rain this week , Christian Aid Sale funds stood at around £35K by noon today , so the total should be up on that figure .
28 It is a valuable piece of equipment , and my hon. Friend may like to know that in the next two or three years we shall proceed with some large modifications to it which we estimate will bring about £4 million worth of work to PBN on the Isle of Wight .
29 and then when it 's got that and it 's got end on the bottom here , at the end of the stopping zone , you 've got to know that on a motorway
30 You 've got to remember that at the time , deregulation was looked on as an open cash-register .
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