Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] with [num] " in BNC.

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1 The penal system needs to legitimate itself with three groups of people : with the public ( including politicians , commentators etc. ) , with penal staff ( including prison staff and probation officers ) and with the penal subjects ( prisoners , probationers and others who are subject to penal treatment ) .
2 Biting her lips , she turned away , pretending to busy herself with one of the other costumes .
3 When he wanted to get rid of the consequence of the murder , women were made to share it with two other victims .
4 Pilar has been living alone in the huge house and has struggled to maintain it with four staff .
5 We are going to provide you with three written fragments , abstracted from the contexts in which they appeared .
6 Would you like to help me with one slice ?
7 And I 'd like to leave you with one last statement just enough , but just enough , is not enough !
8 I 'm going to leave you with four grooves that include some of the triplet applications we 've been taking about .
9 True , she was going to leave herself with one very big headache with regard to her mortgage , but even that was not unsurmountable .
10 ‘ Can I give my Right Honourable Friend two big thank-yous ! ’ , he cried , in a tone suggesting that he would like to accompany them with two big kisses .
11 There are times ’ — Rose 's face took on the fierce expression of a schoolgirl talking about her most hated teacher — ‘ when I 'd like to brain her with one of her own golf-clubs ! ’
12 As many audiences and record collectors already know , he took lessons in conducting so that he might perform the work himself , and since his first concert in New York 's Lincoln Center , he has been invited to perform it with 20 orchestras around the world ( he will be conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall , London in November ) .
13 It started when the Crown , which up till then considered swans as Royal property , agreed to share them with 2 City of London livery companies ; the Vintners and the Dyers .
14 Esau is coming to meet him with four hundred men .
15 Try to put them with one of their friends .
16 Clearly , children can not speak at birth , but Chomsky wishes to credit them with two distinct kinds of knowledge .
17 he tries to do it with one finger but he 's just not quite strong enough
18 She was trying to open it with one hand , while the other held the bearskin to her breasts , when Guy reached down and retrieved her shift .
19 Well , now , when you see the doctor , if he decides to mend you with one or two stitches , you tell him I said , could he please give you a stitch to take home in a matchbox ?
20 Now you need to do it with two .
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