Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [conj] [vb infin] at " in BNC.

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1 Who do you want to go and gurgle at ?
2 And I mean in that way you might sort of really want to go and look at one of these erm er sort of er rather awful inner city areas .
3 Gerry had seen his face and they got to go and look at the mug shots and all that and er longlegs had been informed across the road because they 'd got er a camera that works and er they got in touch with the , they told the police about it and so they 're going over there to see if it 's been recorded you see .
4 One aspect of colic is difficult to explain from either viewpoint — the fact that the symptoms tend to disappear or diminish at about three months of age .
5 And I , yes he came and so he says I 've got the keys to the flat he said , you do n't want to come and look at it do you ?
6 There are other places she could go to , of course , but so many of them would be clubs in which she would be expected to communicate and contribute at a time when all she wants is occasionally simply to be ‘ with ’ people and to be able to depart when she wishes without giving offence or disturbing the gathering .
7 Ask him if he wants to come and knock at my door .
8 ‘ I have a taxi waiting , ’ he stated as he escorted her out of the hotel , explaining , ‘ It is not permitted to drink and drive at all in Czechoslovakia . ’
9 I do n't know if you know what it is to work every day as if your life depended on it , to work until you feel you are going to bust a gut , until you want to cry or howl at yourself because your own body is so stubborn .
10 Nadia , Lynlea , and three other Canadian pupils formed the first group of exchangers , and three St Mary 's pupils are expected to board and study at Collingwood School later this year .
11 We hurry them on when they want to stop and look at some new marvel .
12 Count yourself lucky , Mr Thaw , that people want to stop and look at you .
13 You were telling me erm a little while back that erm you were made to go and work at Bilston .
14 And that 's telling 'em — Jess thought , wanting to cheer and boo at the same time .
15 And those eyes that seemed to dance and scowl at the same time from beneath their fringe of long dark lashes gave him a restless , unpredictable air .
16 Nastier still , from Foley 's point of view , was that he had been told to go and live at Mytchett Place as well .
17 ‘ I should like to go and look at the sea . ’
18 Patrick you know where I would like to go and look at this thing we have
19 Got to go and look at .
20 ‘ I 'm going to come and work at the school , ’ said Maisie .
21 I 'm going to come and live at Moorlake . "
22 Would you like to come and dance at my wedding ? ’
23 And of course if you 're finding that there 's a shortfall there , then you 've got to try and look at your you know assets , your lump sum etcetera , as a way of , of erm er trying to cover that shortfall .
24 I did n't use to curse or swear at them .
25 The recent blurring of distinctions between gay and straight clubs is a welcome development : ‘ I 'd really like to educate and entertain at the same time .
26 Afterwards , when I would have preferred to stay and stare at Agnes , he took me down to King 's Wharf near the Vintry and into a small ale house which stank of carp and salt .
27 Fear of the owl makes the birds want to flee and anger at its obtrusive presence makes them want to attack .
28 Next he 'll decide to go and look at how the new crimpling machine is working in the Wayfarer Bay .
29 They were like a great flock of gulls swooping to tear and gobble at their prey .
30 Then the organ grinder pulled me away and I began to cry and pull at his coat .
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