Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 My binoculars I wore round my neck at the ready for all those puffins , razor bills and guillemots I expected to see on the way over .
2 In his letter he stated : ’ Such a development will cause me no little difficulty — especially from the SNP ! if you and Douglas Hurd judge that the UK 's overall interests will be best served then I would not want to stand in the way of UKAEA 's involvement . ’
3 well no , but not on , to town , but there might be somewhere they want to go on the way
4 ‘ Tell them I want to go out the way I came in , Shih Herrick .
5 Viewers saw him explode with fury at militiamen who tried to stand in the way of aid convoys , and shake with emotion at the tragic plight of victims of ethnic cleansing .
6 The opportunities for pupils to share , compare and contrast ideas are limited , and children are constrained to work in the way the workbook dictates .
7 He also struck him when Sweeney tried to escape on the way to the Bridewell .
8 And I think central government needs to look at the way in which inner cities are being constantly run down and erm problems highlighted and aggravated because of the circumstances .
9 Now in this first session I really want to look at the way that er er financial planning will affect you once you , once you retire , it may be that 's the sort of area you 've not looked at in detail .
10 The justification for using a hierarchy is mathematical , and has to do with the way in which the total variability of a collection is successively reduced as one passes from higher to lower levels in the hierarchy .
11 One set of issues has to do with the way in which science and technology so drastically alter previous patterns of life that they erode and undermine the social , ethical and spiritual values which had been encapsulated and preserved in them .
12 This has to do with the way in which network membership involves possession of the social skills and reciprocal relationships which that membership entails .
13 Partly this is the result of the shapely overall curve of the A melody ; partly , perhaps , it has to do with the way a certain simple ( ‘ innocent ’ ? ) pentatonic inflection ( the melody of section A is based entirely on D E F£ A B , apart from a solitary G in bar 6 and the cadence in bar 15 ) rubs against the ‘ romantic ’ harmonies , diatonic with rich chromatic alterations .
14 The point we want to make for immediate purposes has to do with the way in which methodological problems arise from particular conceptions of the " order of things " .
15 It has to do with the way you speak , the way you erm where you went to school , what connections you have , what values you hold .
16 RMI needs to ensure in the way that it tackles the information aspect that it can incorporate properly the ‘ user-led ’ aspect of information specification .
17 The magazines were heavy , and Bobbie stopped to rest on the way home .
18 Way back in Isaiah in thirty fifth chapter , the er , the prophet there gives a little picture , and he uses the illustration , he says this way is so plain , it 's so simple , he said that even the wayfaring man , the traveller , though he is a fool , he does n't need to make any mistakes in it , he does n't need to err in the way , it is so simple , it is so easily understood .
19 They too contain useful material on , for instance , the locations of sites , though individual site licences must be consulted for details of what each is permitted to take in the way of hazardous wastes .
20 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
21 ‘ That 's true , ’ Anne agreed , ‘ but I think he should have been made to suffer for the way others suffered through him .
22 In this case , however , it seemed that the nature of the disease was systematically to destroy those nerve cells essential to the control of sleep , and these unfortunate people probably represent the closest that we can expect to find in the way of a natural experiment on the long-term effects of the denial of sleep .
23 Despite all the evidence which they have themselves presented to testify to the way in which liberal democratic institutions are bypassed and used to serve the interests of particular interests , these writers still believe the problem can be exorcised within the liberal democratic framework which exists .
24 If they succeed without merit , the fault would appear to lie with the way the appeal system is operating rather than in regulation 72 as it is currently worded . ’
25 you see with me living on my own for such a long time now , erm it seems er it seemed to get in the way , you had the television and
26 Protected by the noise , which surely signified the most hideously active stoking the world had ever seen , I began to search about , even daring to light a flambeau , which was all this ground floor seemed to warrant in the way of illumination .
27 In this section I intend to focus on the way four of these problems have become interlinked , namely those of underachievement , the concern over indiscipline , and the need for social integration and the employability of particular groups .
28 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
29 I turned to go out the way I had come .
30 Gauging the kind of people you are going to meet in the way of giving you work .
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