Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'm sorry Mr Chairman if the report is doom and gloom but that is the situation that does prevail we will endeavour to work to the best of our ability , or the lack of it but please remember the constraints that we are under and if we have got any views , to stand , and if we do want to help the people in Dundee and we do want to stop the government pilfering the British Rail pension scheme
2 Do you do you want to comment on the lowest figure ?
3 I want to know about the nearest sports centre and the types of sport which go on there .
4 They want to know about the latest inventions .
5 On such occasions the airline needs to know at the earliest possible moment whether there is something inherently wrong with its equipment , procedures or training , and therefore the official investigators should keep the airline fully informed of the factual material it establishes as the investigation proceeds .
6 She wants to play at the highest standard .
7 If not , he argues , players should be able to opt for another country if — like John Gallagher or the Samoans playing in the All Black trials — they want to play at the highest level regardless of country .
8 Gallup for The Daily Telegraph gave the Conservatives a hair 's breadth half-point lead over Labour , with the Liberal Democrats in danger of being squeezed as the two main parties battle to emerge as the largest party in a possible hung parliament .
9 the best , do n't mess with the best till ye passed your test , do n't need to mess with the best .
10 IF YOU WANT to live in the dampest homes in England , rent a house or flat privately .
11 The sea is widely expected to break through the narrowest point of the peninsula any year now .
12 In accordance with paragraph 14 of the [ draft ] FRS , the term of convertible debt with a premium put option should be considered to end on the earliest date at which the holder has the option to require redemption .
13 He tried to think of the worst that could happen .
14 I tried to think of the worst thing that Quigley had done .
15 She tried to think of the simplest way of conveying this .
16 Not everyone wants to pay for the highest level of service available , so clients can select the level of service they require .
17 They do not have an awful lot of money but they want to act in the best interests of the child . ’
18 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
19 ‘ They 're built to cope with the largest demand , although most of the time that demand is simply not required .
20 Akinwande 's manager , Mickey Duff , offered Schulz 's handlers £75,000 to come to London but they rejected it and the rematch is destined to go to the highest bidder .
21 While it makes much of the commitment to solving the Cyprus and Kashmir problems , presumably in deference to immigrant communities , it says rather less about what the Tory party plans to do about the greatest immediate challenge it will face , the level and duration of the commitment to the Iraqi Kurds .
22 ‘ Punishment enough , I think , ’ he said softly , as his hands traced a deliberately sensuous path over the clinging wetness of her shirt and came to rest for the briefest of moments on the raised outline of her breasts .
23 In that rule the freedom of an individual to instruct the solicitor of his choice and the responsibility of a solicitor once instructed to act in the best interests of his client is underlined .
24 Legend held that once a year an angel came to dance on the highest peak .
25 Inheritable property has still tended to go to the eldest son .
26 They have got to demand in the politest possible way , but in the most determined way , that they should be treated as responsible citizens whatever their walk of life People take others at their own evaluation .
27 And the fact that are four per cent cheaper than us and as soon as I mention and increase he says , well if it 's dual source we 've been told to look at the cheapest source of supply as single source .
28 As I said before , the risk of collective action of this sort , which is regretted by many teachers ( as reflected in the rise and fall of the memberships of the different unions over the last few years ) , is that it tends to reduce to the lowest common denominators of more pay on the one hand and a narrow-minded , knee-jerk resistance to change on the other .
29 Between the death of Jane Austen and the appearance of Sketches by Boz the emphasis does however begin to shift from the greatest houses to those below them .
30 Although that was extremely pleasant , and something I 'd like to repeat at the earliest possible opportunity , ’ he added , his eyes glinting brightly .
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