Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I did n't want to go work for the Bank .
2 The 51-country Asian Development Bank 's annual meeting in Vancouver , Canada , on April 24-26 failed to agree terms for a controversial replenishment of its soft loan window , the Asian Development Fund [ see p. 35206 for last replenishment in 1986 ] .
3 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
4 It is our intention to continue to provide cover for the making good of nipple joints on sectional boilers , although unlike many companies , the following clause which normally appears in brackets after defective joints has been omitted ( ‘ other than joints between the sections of the sectional heating or hot water supply boilers ’ ) .
5 MTM 's bankers have agreed to continue to provide funds for the deeply troubled chemicals group until the end of the month .
6 After some heated argument in which I pointed out that it would have been more courteous and certainly more seamanlike to ask us to move before attempting to sink us as well as our motor boat , the skipper agreed to accept liability for the damage , and we moved off to lick our wounds .
7 The narrow nationalism expressed by people who want to cling to total sovereignty for the United Kingdom is rather like the arguments we hear from Scottish and Welsh nationalists — unrealistic and out of date .
8 This is the man behind it all , Ralph Reader , a successful composer in the thirties who agreed to write songs for the scouts to perform and his material is still used today .
9 Ronald Li , the former chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , was convicted on Oct. 24 on two counts under the colony 's Bribery Prevention Ordinance of accepting preferential offers of shares in Cathay Pacific Airways and Novel Enterprises in 1986 and 1987 in return for helping to obtain listings for the companies on the stock exchange .
10 It is intended to provide guidance for the chemist or technician in the laboratory .
11 Over the last 20 years or so a large theoretical literature has been developed to provide tools for the solution of many problems associated with emergency planning ( Kolesar 1981 ) .
12 In each case , the reforms were hedged in with clauses designed to preserve leeway for the authorities .
13 He warns us against being seduced by ‘ a new and … illiberal ‘ liberal ’ orthodoxy' designed to accommodate demands for a law protecting Islamic sensitivities .
14 The attacks are designed to disrupt plans for an election on May 23rd .
15 Beginning with relatively peaceful " teach-ins " at which the issues raised by the war were debated , the movement grew , using marches , rallies and sit-ins , designed to disrupt recruitment for the armed services .
16 With OECD stocks at their lowest level since 1989 and political uncertainty prevailing in many oil producing regions , prices are expected to remain firm for the remainder of 1992 .
17 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
18 wants to see plans for the modified programme in early June , and a first draft is expected by mid-May .
19 More than 400 people are expected to attend auditions for the Sainsbury 's Choir of the Year competition at York 's Barbican centre on March 21 .
20 Mr Douglas said : ‘ Mr Jackson would have taken the car back from Mr Ross or alternatively tried to arrange compensation for the mistake .
21 If a government wants to impose standards for the efficiency of new buildings , then it must also ensure that the materials are available , and that people are trained to use them .
22 As the right hon. Gentleman referred to action in the Security Council , and in the light of the fall of Vukovar and the continuing horrendous threat to Dubrovnik , will he seek to obtain agreement for a Security Council resolution imposing comprehensive sanctions , including an international oil ban , on the whole area , as a way of exerting pressure to bring the fighting to an end ?
23 Those whose desks will be rearranged to find room for the new machines will find it harder to exert some control .
24 I promise him that I am endeavouring to find time for a debate .
25 Neither wants to accept responsibility for the repairs needed since the previous contractor went into liquidation .
26 And to try to create jobs for the women so that even if their men are out of work they can provide at least some income .
27 Although designed to counter support for the FN [ see Villeurbanne cantonal election above ] , the agreement was criticized by Léotard , who claimed that the FN would still have the upper hand since the new UPF lacked credibility .
28 In addition , if you want to choose words for a spelling test , your book provides them for you .
29 The visitor was often allowed to pull the press and , at least in some places , in return for watching the setting of the type and the privilege of carrying away the souvenir , was expected to buy beer for the workmen .
30 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
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