Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 He admits that he wants to continue fighting for the respect , and honour it endows his name .
2 His only possibility is to tap the latent anger , which he has to keep suppressed for the most part , and the social depression that would enable him and his peers to speak out from their own consciousness in order that a mature and civilized level of relationship can be attained between them and others .
3 Both main parties appear to have fallen for the rhetoric about the rising tide of crime among the young despite statistical evidence which plainly suggests that the problem has declined in recent years .
4 If he does nothing , he will be deemed to have opted for the summary statement .
5 But these were succeeded by bright little bandboxes of social aspiration ; newly painted doors , carriage lamps , an occasional hanging basket , the front garden paved to provide standing for the car .
6 There were tears in the eyes … a mixture of pride and fear in the faces as the good ship Dodo 's Delight prepared to set sail for the rest of the world …
7 Although the market would appear to have plumped for the Open Software Foundation 's Motif , Sun Microsystems Inc , the largest dedicated Unix system vendor , remains exclusively committed to its Open Look alternative in the Solaris operating system delivered with its machines .
8 It has been estimated the Sweden has 65,000 wells , that is 15–20 per cent of all private wells , which are acidified to the extent that they are eligible to receive government grants to help pay for the cost of restoring water quality .
9 ‘ But as much as I 'd like to continue playing for the North , I suddenly thought there 's more to life than sitting on the M1 .
10 But he was n't going to risk going for the green in two — he 's a gambler , but he 's not stupid , not with a one-stroke lead — and so he hit a wedge for his second shot short of the lake and then a 155-yard 9-iron directly over the flag for his approach .
11 Two proposed sites in Blackbird Leys have been included in the Green Belt , which could hinder the commercial development United says will be needed to help pay for the new all seater stadium .
12 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
13 You 're going to get charged for the amount going through will be a hundred electrons per second times sixty seconds .
14 And there was a satisfaction about it although I always think in those days we had to work so fast that there was n't the time to do what you 'd really like to have done for the patients .
15 On Sept. 15-16 a list of 68 names of Volkskammer and government members alleged to have worked for the Stasi was made public .
16 If we are going to deliver to the people to whom we as elected members owe the highest duty , that 's the people who are in receipt of our services the sort of quality service that we , that they deserve then I have to say that we can have as many reports of this nature as we like , but you have got to acknowledge the need to change and you have got to stop resenting the rights of parents and governors to run schools , you 've got to stop being obstructive to competitive tendering and you have got to stop arguing for the retention of services where it 's patently obvious that there 's over provision .
17 We were pleasantly surprised to find quite a few previously unseen photos relating to the demolition of the line , als osome unseen material that we arranged to have photo-copied for the Society .
18 Before embarking on a management buy-out , the advisers to the management team must read carefully the provisions of the directors ' service contracts , bearing in mind that if the buy-out attempt fails , the members of the team may well wish to continue working for the company as before .
19 June brides will have to start planning for the big event about now , so in Secrets of Success we show you how to cook the perfect wedding buffet , with salmon and salads , and , of course , a three tier wedding cake that will make 'em gasp .
20 ‘ I knew right away we 'd have to start preparing for the next one , ’ he told the boys , who were the only ones who 'd listen to him by then , in the home at any rate .
21 If you work for between eight and 16 hours you will have to have worked for the same employer for at least five years to be eligible , and if you work for less than eight hours a week , you 'll lose these rights altogether .
22 ’ Maria only seems to get married for the sake of being free .
23 The only new Mission for the deaf that seems to have opened for the first time in the 1890s was that at Oxford , although the deaf people of Bradford almost lost their own when a fire was discovered in the coal cellar under the offices by one of the deaf members who ran to summon the fire brigade from its nearby station .
24 Mr Chirac seems to want to wait for the presidential election in 1995 .
25 Five other competitors are believed to have pitched for the Norwegian work .
26 Faced with the impossibility of meeting statutory demands ( the provision of education for all children of school age ) and non-statutory provision ( ie nursery classes ) within the finance available to it , the LEA was forced to cease providing for the under-fives .
27 Just 30 minutes later the westerly switched itself off — just like that , as the man said — and we had to motor sail for the rest of the voyage .
28 But if she had to start looking for the owner of the Bentley who , she guessed , was probably somewhere in the hotel , she did n't have a hope of making it in time .
29 Teenagers at Haughton Comprehensive are working with the professionals from the Phoenix Dance Company as schools throughout the country prepare to teach dancing for the first time .
30 The women in the controlled zones wished to organize to fight for the right to participate in production and defence work on an equal basis with men .
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