Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 However , by this time I had outgrown my adolescent appetite for being shocked and had acquired some knowledge of parapsychology .
2 I am sure that all the people of Belfast would like to thank my hon. Friend for her comments .
3 Bodo mistook my cowardly calculation for gutsy heroism .
4 My wife had determined that I must swop my old bike for a car after I told her of an encounter with an old pupil of mine as I was toiling up the hill by the power station in Haughton Road , Darlington .
5 It includes my CV , a forged testimonial from Mike Channon and the offer to work my first season for a ridiculous 70K a year .
6 What was more , the couple of times I had rung my antenatal teacher for reassurance in late pregnancy after a brief stay in hospital had been free too .
7 As I did not now want her to guess my real reason for keeping quiet on this other matter , I used the truth , if not all the truth .
8 I felt ashamed for having loathed my own life for so long .
9 Said Mr Marshall : ‘ Having been forced to retire from business I nevertheless retained my unbounded enthusiasm for work and community service .
10 Said Mr Marshall : ‘ Having been forced to retire from business I nevertheless retained my unbounded enthusiasm for work and community service .
11 While acknowledging that Sarah seemed to be infatuated with George , her sister was so many years her junior that she still thought of her as a child and dismissed her obvious affection for George as innocent admiration .
12 The courts have held that if a public body exercises its statutory power for an improper purpose they can intervene .
13 The powers of the Lords , in relation to any Commons Bill which he so certifies , are restricted to delaying its ultimate passage for only one month .
14 The collective noun for each of these types is ‘ coffin' , but the trade maintained its own nomenclature for the constituent parts .
15 People will find it progressively difficult to meet their basic need for cooking energy .
16 The court should not substitute its own decision for that of the parent but had to say whether the parents ' decision was outside the band of reasonableness .
17 ‘ The court does not substitute its commercial judgment for that of the board , ’ he added .
18 ADDS says it designed its xEasy software for ease of use .
19 The meeting of the European Movement unanimously underlined its strong support for Britain to adopt PR and fall into line with the other EC members which operate some proportional system for the European elections .
20 A project to revive its Eurochemic plant for reprocessing nuclear fuel , at Mol in the northeast of the country , has just obtained the senate 's approval .
21 At one time the Institute had intended to establish its own college for training , and this was still essential .
22 Her mother 's friends , Lizzie Braithwaite and Maria Colclough and Ethel Lord were incensed by it , having used the act of sex all their wedded lives as something to bargain with , employing their very contempt for it as a punishment regularly meted out to husbands who lusted after the nasty performance far too much .
23 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
24 It does n't , sometimes it goes more slowly sometimes it goes more quickly , sometimes it stops but because it takes two hours to do the hundred miles we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
25 The GRP rod has its best application for kites in the range of diameters from 1.5mm to 10mm ( 1/16 to 3/8in nominal ) .
26 The rising yen also has its dark side for domestic Japanese companies .
27 Each agency has its own system for placing staff , and charges and style of service vary considerably .
28 Every country has its own system for using frequencies , and they have to think about each other — radio waves , after all do not stop at national boundaries and without international collaboration there could be interference and general chaos .
29 Each home has its own procedure for this and will discuss it with you fully .
30 One of the main problems is that there is a clear separation between the various specialties , each of which has its own payment for a case .
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