Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [noun] when the " in BNC.

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1 I kind of caught her eye when the others were n't looking .
2 The convent was in the protection of St Sophia and the church was dedicated to her , but changed its dedication when the building was taken over by the nuns of the Salesiane della Visitazione order .
3 There the workers occupied their factory when the multinational company Molins announced its closure .
4 The people demonstrated their spirit when the whole country rose up , carried on the tide of revolution in Eastern Europe , and literally fought tooth and nail against their oppressors .
5 Erm it seems to me erm that there 's a danger that if Professor Lock has his way when the elephant comes crashing through into the clearing he will be sending Richonds Richmondshire 's sheep flying in all directions and er will be er affecting lots of other other agricultural creatures at the same time .
6 The practical difficulties of nursing a sick relative can be very great , but Pitkeathley agrees that it is often the emotional upset of having to bath a previously fastidious mother , or pretend your father has spilt his tea when the bed is wet , or simply having to make all the decisions for a once strong parent , which cases the most upset .
7 Now is the best time to look at how Britain should conduct its industry when the economy recovers .
8 No-one said or did anything out of the ordinary , but still guilt made her jump when the nurse came in with lunch .
9 Lost her arm but not her life , well lucky I 'd say , given her position when the cattle hit .
10 The Greiner administration , which had lost its tiny majority because of Metherell 's earlier decision to leave the Liberal Party and sit as an independent , then recovered its position when the Liberal candidate won the by-election in Metherell 's former seat .
11 ‘ You can say I twisted my ankle when the heel broke , ’ Paula improvised .
12 In the meantime those of you with Sky TV can watch their progress when the rally is televised in April .
13 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
14 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
15 Not that she believed his mother was a tramp , but whatever had happened all those years ago it had obviously involved her grandfather — why else would he give her money when the child so obviously could n't have been his ?
16 In one particular case the Education Committee neglected this way of life argument and only argued the closure on financial grounds ( against Regional policy ) but they were forced to reverse their decision when the matter was taken up by the local MP .
17 Lizzie had just returned home on Sunday evening and was parking her car when the man pounced .
18 A further feature of an inhibitory CS is that it will reduce the ability of a separately trained excitatory CS to evoke its CR when the two stimuli are presented as a compound .
19 A yacht that won the world 's toughest race will defend its title when the competition is held again in three years time .
20 Abe Abramson , who fought blazes during the Blitz of Liverpool , had just arrived at his son-in-law 's shop to help his daughter when the attack happened .
21 He 'd bitten his tongue when the blow landed , and a splash of blood looped on to his chin .
22 What is the point of the Government providing billions to help our economy when the help is mainly going to other countries ?
23 I do not claim to have my hon. Friend 's detailed knowledge , but I remember my attitude when the Council of Europe recently passed a resolution calling for an armed intervention force in Yugoslavia under the aegis of the United Nations .
24 She had just finished combing her hair when the housekeeper returned carrying a lightweight metal crutch , and began diffidently , ‘ Signorina , I thought perhaps … ’
25 A similar change in sensitivity has been described for the InsP 3 -sensitive calcium channels in permeabilized liver cells , which spontaneously released their calcium when the stores were overloaded .
26 These women he decries are simply weary with having to be constantly on guard against abuse , and why should they have to justify their position when the men are at fault ?
27 In a different context , however , the CS will be able to evoke Al and since the Al state is better than A2 at activating an associative link , the CS will be better able to elicit its CR when the context is changed .
28 Kernaghan protested his innocence when the referee pointed to the spot .
29 The Devil finds it easy to do his work when the world is dark .
30 Across the road , Mr Zamoyski was just unlocking his shop when the postman arrived .
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