Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [noun] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The young Pathan had guarded my car zealously and got my thanks and the second half of his reward .
2 The rather provocative title of their single having failed to garner them an interview with CNN , they have threatened to kill my family if the record is n't reviewed here .
3 Dusk deepened until I could no longer see ten yards ahead , and after I 'd knocked the shaft of the arrow against an unseen hazard twice within a minute I stopped and sank slowly down to my knees , resting my forehead and the front of my left shoulder against a young birch trunk , drained as I 'd never been before .
4 The figure does tend to confirm my contention that the general order of magnitude is about right .
5 We asked my cousin if the poor laboratory rats had ‘ gone for a Burton ’ , and the sally caused to flit across our minds a phrase from The Anatomy of Melancholy condemning gluttony as ‘ the source of all our infirmities and the fountain of all our diseases ’ .
6 Both Ira and Lawren shared my feelings that the all-too-brief tribute to Emily Carr at the service was inadequate and insufficient , but then we were prejudiced .
7 I spent the next few days talking to Cabinet colleagues — all of whom shared my view that the demand was preposterous — and then went to see the Prime Minister .
8 It really annoys me , and every now and again I sit him down and say now look you , oh Henry , and he adores , the actual , personally my father adores my mother and the sun has always shone out , she 's the only person in the world for him
9 However I could not become a sperm donor ( Letters NI 189 ) , especially if this would mean I would never know my child or the woman who bore it .
10 The absence of any similar provision in relation to section 69(1) further reinforces my belief that the section 69(1) duty was intended to be exercised , subject to the supervisory jurisdiction of the courts , by the local authority .
11 After quite a lot of persuasion and promises of chocolate bars , I finally got back into my canoe and headed off down the river to find my paddle and the rest of the group .
12 I was reluctant to trust my senses but the sign was unmistakable .
13 The experience of working for a number of American executives , who were too busy protecting their jobs and the inflated salaries that went with them to pass on any responsibilities to me , made a move imperative after about a year .
14 The European Commissioner for External Affairs , Mr Frans Andriessen , said in Brussels yesterday that the Community would not compromise its autonomy and the supremacy of its political institutions .
15 The Copyright Office … maintained its holding that the amount of originality necessary to hold a copyright in a derivative work is minimal and that the printer owns the copyrights in the prints . ’
16 The plaintiffs were able to raise sufficient moneys to meet their liabilities and the receivers were discharged .
17 Saint Jay re-adjusted her halo as the Queen of Heaven drove away .
18 It retained its pot-shape although the pot was gone .
19 Someone at KPMG should be nominated to receive enquiry calls and the advertisement should include their name and the KPMG address and phone number .
20 The court deferred their decision but the fight went ahead — Mendoza won — with an Argentinian doctor at the ringside .
21 They will observe the process of making clients welcome ; the process of listening to clients ; of summarising their problems and the type of questions asked by advisers to help clients explain their problems .
22 This contradicted their view that the FRY was the constitutional successor to the former Yugoslavia .
23 Scotland 's mountains surpass themselves under snow , magnifying their grandeur and intensifying their beauty until the beholder runs out of language and is left making small bestial gasping noises .
24 Mum Debbie ran for cover cradling her baby as the firework sent a shower of fire towards bonfire night revellers in Litherland .
25 She would verbally attack her husband but the more she shouted the more he withdrew from confrontation .
26 This bill was criticized and amended in the Lords ; and as the original bill has not survived we can not know its contents or the government 's intentions .
27 Further studies are required to establish its place and the dose to be given .
28 The heaviest fighting of the conflict so far ensued as Serbian nationalists intensified efforts to consolidate their positions before the peace conference began on Sept. 7 .
29 Katherine bent her head and the young girl kissed her check .
30 Melanie bent her head and the plaits swung over her face .
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