Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] i [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Well I do n't know cos I went up there once and she was
2 Stafford , who lost in the semi-finals at Beckenham last week to British number four Chris Bailey , said : ‘ I had a feeling I would win when I woke up .
3 She stopped as I held up a finger .
4 So will I get done if I go up there ?
5 ‘ I keep wondering what he 'd do if I wandered up to the edge of the pit and leaned over and yelled , ‘ Oi , you down there .
6 Wait till I catch up with him .
7 " Just wait till I get up there ! "
8 ‘ So tell me about the twins , ’ I said , not because I was interested , but because I wanted the senator to talk while I dreamed up a strategy to turn down his request .
9 Just wait while I lock up here . ’
10 At the first hearing , she had a gloomy , slit-mouthed sidekick with the worst case of acne I 've seen since I gave up computer programming , but this time he was n't there .
11 ‘ I do n't really know what I 'll do when I pack up , but I 'll quite probably end up with my tools back in Hartlepool .
12 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
13 Do you mind if I go up here to ?
14 Aye it was sti , yes it was still going when I came up here .
15 I seen curtains open when I got up .
16 He did n't move until I picked up the poker .
17 I know because I grew up there .
18 ‘ Must be getting back to Brigade H.Q , Sarge , ’ I remarked as I picked up my rifle and prepared to leave .
19 At the agreed rate of 10¢ per column inch it meant that if I could provide two 25-inch columns per day , which was relatively easy for me , I could earn about $30 per week which was $6 more than I was getting when I gave up the staff job .
20 Sometimes , after I 'd given them back their money , the customer would open the palm of their hand and I would discover that one of the coins I had passed over had suddenly disappeared so I ended up having to give them even more bees and honey .
21 I get totally confused because I end up watching C N N anyway , so it 's
22 Personally , I find that I sometimes get new ideas while I am engaged in activities that have nothing to do with my research at all , such as gardening , painting in the house , or even shaving when I get up in the morning .
23 If I went if I went up there
24 Well I thought if I washed up then I 'd have my drink after .
25 I thought you might be gone when I woke up . ’
26 I think if I get up at half five in the morning Jean , I 'll go to the park .
27 I think if I phoned up er , you know , er when I we do want one again and I 'll say , you know , I 'm sort of in my sixties will you do it ?
28 Will these people notice if I turn up the sound ? ’
29 ‘ I figured I 'd better get started before I ended up like Brahms or something , ’ he deadpans in a voice that betrays his Welsh origins ( he was born in 1942 in Garnant ) rather than the last 25 years living in New York .
30 you never guess what Andy Spence 's mum did when I went up there for dinner once ? , it 's vile
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