Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] down at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not sure how high we went but I remember looking down at the surf .
2 You lose their attention if you keep staring down at the papers in your hand .
3 Marcus was standing looking down at the woman .
4 The Prince and McPhee had walked on to the top of the bank and were standing looking down at the river .
5 I stared at him because he sounded so cold , but he was sitting looking down at the glass which he held on his knees and I could n't see his face .
6 Cley rose to his feet and stood gazing down at the councillor .
7 The two boys stood looking down at the heaps of feathers .
8 They both stood looking down at the poor sufferer , neither speaking .
9 She stood looking down at the tiny fireplace .
10 I stood looking down at the pavement below the payphone while Dennis padded across the wall-to-wall carpeting and called distantly to his wife .
11 And she stood looking down at the key in her hand , while she said to herself , ‘ Well , this seems to decide it , does n't it ? ’ and turning , she yelled , ‘ Ben ! ’
12 He strode over to the door and stood looking down at the handle , shaking his head sadly .
13 He did not touch , but stood looking down at the page .
14 Turning up the collar of his Burberry against the chill morning air , he climbed up the slope to the rim of the hollow and stood looking down at the car .
15 Shutting the door softly behind her , Theda tiptoed to the bed and stood looking down at the still figure in some alarm .
16 Joanna rushed off and Sophie stood looking down at the telephone .
17 David sat looking down at the empty wine glass that he was turning round and round between his hands .
18 Ranulf sat staring down at the ground .
19 He remained staring down at the the photograph , then slowly shook his head .
20 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
21 With a slight nod , Dora directed her glance towards the opposite side of the pool , where Dieter Erdle stood staring down at the water as if engrossed in his own reflection .
22 Leaving her abruptly , he moved to the desk and stood staring down at the papers lying on it , his attitude so tense that Lucy felt compelled to go to his side .
23 As he moved past the man 's shoulder on his way back , Harry could not help glancing down at the book .
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